This website is in no-wise connected with the lunatic-fringe goings on of Robert Delford Brown. See Link. That Ben himself would distance himself from the sanctimonious characterization, such as Mr. Brown suggests, few will doubt; since, for one thing, it is probably safe to assume that Ben outgrew church at an early age. Indeed, in later years he spoke up in decrying the influence of religion in only discouraging attendance at Sunday movie matinees. Moreover, there is the well-vouched tradition that when the little woman took it into her head to have the local parson over for supper, Ben, without hedging or further ado, climbed out a back-window to join the waiting car of a pal; by which mean, the two sought refuge at the card room or (according to one version) the pool hall.
As best as one might surmise, Mr. Brown is evidently one of those aery-headed persons who believes in "Art for Art's sake;" when for those who knew Ben it was always and clearly "Ben for Ben's sake." Yet perhaps even worse, the misrepresentations of this pompous and affected charlatan are a clear and telling example and further proof, if ever such was needed, of how authentic history can be mangled and distorted beyond recognition in order to serve dubious motives. It is in no small part to combat this that, with the utmost attention to both plausible and likely fact, we unfold to you the true story.
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"BEN TURPIN: The Rear Guard of Saxicolous Wayfarers of Cinematic Finitude" (.pdf)