Note. As of Sept. 2016, some of these download links are not working. However, the same film files can be found at Youtube or; just do a Google or other search for titles.
Downloads of films featured at our Ben Turpin Theater & Cineplex in .AVI format:
* "Small Town Idol" (abridged version) - part 1 (approx. 75 MBs)
* "Small Town Idol" (abridgd version) - part 2 (12 MBs)
* "Yukon Jake" (67 MBs)
* "Once Over Lightly" (307 MBs)
Mad Phat (see Small Town Idol)
Unknown Video (look for Shriek of Araby)
A-1 Video (That's 'Turpin' with a 'T')
Grapevine Video
Arts Magic ~ UK
New York Film Annex
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