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College and My Future~

College.... that's a Scary Word... but Yes I am attending Minnesota State University in Mankato, Minnesota. This fall I became an offical Junior Majoring in Elementary Education.

The picture above is of the clock tower in the middle of campus pretty eh?

I Would like to Teach Little Kids... Some Day Maybe Kindergarten. I am planning on minoring in special ed. I love little kids... If you want to see more about my College visit it's Site...

Minnesota State University's Home Page

As of January 2000.... I am Moving.. Look here to See,Where and WhyI'm Moving.

Ten Years from Now... Where do I hope to be... Hmmmm.. that's a hard question.

I would like to live in the country in a BIG house with LOTS of land.... for all my dogs, cats and of course kids to play on. I hope to be married to my Prince and have 2 or 3 children. Hopefully be a Successful Teacher... doing something I love working with kids.

Ok now for the business part of this link... heheheheehehe....

I got my Wedding Date Picked out and the Colors....

Now All I need is the groom...
Applications can be E-mailed to me... *smiles* All they'd have to do is Show Up.

Just kidding!!!

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