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3 Reasons why the Packers Suck...

Ok. I am here to tell all you poor pathetic Packers fans to WAKE UP and face reality.. there is Nothing and I repeat Nothing special about the Packers. Sure they win a few games..but they are stuck on themselves and I think anyone who likes them needs to get there brain examined as soon as possible. I mean geeez.. what makes them any better than any other team.

When they come on the field.. trying to look all high and mighty it makes us.. Normal people who know better than to like a team that worships "cheese" puke.

Also.. you want to talk about something stupid Those Big Dopey looking Syrofoam Cheeseheads..If you want people to agree with you about the "Packers" then the last thing I reccommend doing is wearing one of those at the same time. That right there says: I am not only stupid because I like Green Bay but it also says "Bonk me on the Head" I have nothing better to do than wear this.

Hey I am just getting started on this Bashing of the Packers.. hehee..I mean the tribute to them.. we all know how well deserving they are of a page like this. You should take a second to look at the Packers fan application forms at the bottom of this will be well worth your time.

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