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My Pets

My pets.. Are the Loves of my Life.. Since Single Men are Rare Species in Minnesota. *smiles*

I have a white with orange spots Brittany named "Rosie".

She is soo cute. she loves to go hunting with my dad for Pheasants and Ducks. I took her to obedience school... She does listen to me once in a while..... Though when I take her on walks I am the one being pulled down the street.

---P.S. she's also a smart dog.. she's a Vikings Fan!!!

I also have a black with white paws cat named "Moochie". She's my little baby and has the most beautiful Green Eyes. Follows me every where around the house and loves to sleep in my bed with me. Moochie prefers chips, popcorn, turkey and spaghetti over cat food.

I also want to mention my first cat Mittens.... he was the most sweetest cat ever.. my mom had daycare.. and the kids would pull his tail and poke him and he would take it...he loved kids. Mittens loved going outdoors... even though we tried to keep him in. Last fall Mittens got out and was hit by a car.... I really miss him... he used to greet us at the door... He was the best cat...

Then I have a 25 gallon fish aquarium. I only have 6 fish. Though I did name them I won't go into them.. cause if you don't think I am crazy already you will.

I would have lots more pets if It was Up to Me... Some day I will live in the country and have lots of cats and dogs.

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