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people can't be wrong!

A quote from a once-admired webmaster:
"This site is currently being remodeled."
If you've been here before, you're probably saying "yeah right, remodeled my ass!!"
well, i havent done a damn thing. but go ahead and look around, or head to my latest site (which i'm trying to have an archive section for this site and other old ones i've done in the past)

so, if you like it here, walk in the front door and make your way through the rooms. Keep in mind that this thing is in sorry need for updates.....AKA OLD AS HELL

Also, keep in mind you will be redirected in 25 seconds to the "new" if you want to poke around in here, you better hurry up and walk through the front door


This Casa was last touched by my editing hands a LONG LONG time ago