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Haylie Johnson

Welcome... I have located the fan sites on Haylie, and have compiled some of the info... PLEASE see bottom of page for acknowledgements...

This is a picture that I found at Paul Fenton Photography, I must assume that it is the CORRECT (Jonny's) Haylie Johnson because that site also had pictures of Ashley Johnson who I KNOW is Haylie's little sister because of some of those other fan sites.

Here's a nice picture of Haylie, I think pro's call this a "3/4 shot", as opposed to a "head shot"...

Jonny and Haylie Factoids:
--> Haylie and Jonny have the same birthday, but Haylie is one year older.
--> They are both from the northern states--Haylie from Michigan and Jonny from North Dakota.
--> Haylie starred in "Missing Your Love".

Jonny's description of Haylie in.. about '97 or '98, I think....
"My girlfiendHaylie is really great. Calling her a girlfriend is kinda shallow 'cause she's so much more than that. 'Girlfriend' sounds like a little fling that you're having. She's like my bestfriend right now. I can talk to her about anything, and we have so much fun together."

¤ Haylie Nichelle Johnson was born on January 29, 1980, in Thousand Oaks, California.
¤ She grew up in Bloomfield, Michigan, and now lives in Burbank, California.
¤ Haylie graduated high school at age 16, but got her driver's license at 18!

¤ Haylie's credits include:
º Father's Day
ºKids Incorporated
ºDr. Quinn Medicine Woman
ºBoy Meets World
ºBeverly Hills 90210
ºCaroline In The City
ºThe Smart Guy
ºand, of course, Jonny's music video for 'Missing Your Love'.

The first picture is, of course, Haylie and Jonny.
The second picture is Haylie being held up by Jonny and Andrew Keegan.
The third picture is a pic I found on the site of Haylie.
The last picture is Haylie and Jonny with Haylie's little sister AShley. I'm sure that you recognize her from lots of movies, I just can't think of any off hand... But I sure do recognize her!!

Thank-you's: "PepNJen"'s site: The Ultimate Haylie And Ashley Johnson Website