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( : *** All about Kali *** : )


My full name is Kalika Kira Kaldor. I'm 16 years old, my birthday being in July! Right now I am in grade 10, at a private school in Montreal, Quebec.

So here is what I look like, if you haven't already seen my pic: I have shoulder-length golden-brown hair. I can't say I have hazel eyes, because they are constantly changing color. One day, they're bluish, and other days, they're brownish, and other days, they're greenish. :) It's funky. I have freckles, a lot more in the summer than the winter, but that is to be expected... :)

Click here to see a few pics of me!

I have a dog named Sophie. She is a black toy poodle, and she is so cute! She can also be a pain in the butt... She barks a lot, at anything, from a leaf falling off a tree to the paper boy. My grandparents have a shih-tzu named Jemma... She is very playful and can get annoying. She likes to bite your socks. :) She also likes to chew table tennis balls.

Here is the picture of Sophie.

Click here to check out my friends' pages!

I love all kinds of animals. I do not want to be a vet, though (leave that to Kelera!). As much as I love animals, I wouldn't be able to put them to sleep or anything bad, like seeing them hurt. I want to be a doctor. What kind of doctor? I don't know... maybe a pediatrician, or a physician, or a brain surgeon... well probably not a brain surgeon, but I have many years to decide what to specialize in.

All my relatives are from England- my grandparents (Hi Gramps!), my parents, my aunts and uncles, and my cousins, although my brother and I were born in Ontario. I went to England just this summer, and it was very nice but it rained a lot. In the winter it is cold and damp.


I don't watch a lot of tv anymore, but my fave show is Passions. My favorite movies are The Matrix, Cruel Intentions, House on Haunted Hill, and American Pie. My fave books are The Cold One by Christopher Pike and Taltos by Anne Rice.

My fave bands are KoRn, Orgy, and Limp Bizkit (the first cd really IS better).

My favorite sport in the whole world is snowboarding! I also like soccer (Go team!), hockey, skating, swimming (I am working to be a lifeguard) and dancing! I love to dance!

In case you were wondering, the name Kalika is Sanskrit. It means the "dark one". I love my name a lot, especially Kali. Kali means Black, also in Sanskrit. Kali was a dark, destructive goddess. She saved the world from Demons when she defeated the demon Rajitiva. He was a demon where for every drop of his blood that fell to the Earth, it created a thousand more of him, so Kali killed him with a spear and drank all his blood before it could reach the ground.

Pretty gruesome, eh?

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