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Famoµ§ Mµrderer§ and their Live§
What posseses a person to commit such sick crimes...

Ed Gein was problably the most psychotic man you will ever hear about. Born in Plainfield, Wisconsin. No one knows if he was born this way or if something just snapped in his head. Later on in his life we started to devolpe a fascination with the dead, especially the female dead. At night Ed would sneak out into the cemetary and dig up graves to take the bodys. He usually took ones that resembled his dead mother. He would take them back to his house were he would either cut up the parts or make furniture out of the bones and body parts. He also make body suits out of the skin. If he didn't dig them up he would pick out victims on the street that met his requirements and later kill them. Ed Gein was later convicted for necrophila, cannibalism, and murder.

Fritz Haarmann is another very disturebed psychotic. He started his career out around 1919 for petty crimes, but when times got hard he realized his chance. He would dress up as a policeman and pick up young men by the railroad yards and bring them back to his shack where he would rape them, and then bite there throats to kill them. After they were dead he would stript them and then cut there meat out of them. He would take the remains of them and dump them in the river. He then went on to sell there clothes and meat on the market to make some money. He was sentanced to life.

John George Haigh: The Acid Bath Vampire was another interesting person with wierd habbits. George would get people to his place, usually by pretending to be a doctor or something, then his method of killing them came in. He would literally give them a acid bath, filling the tub up with acid and then putting them into it, which would take care of them pretty quick. This is how he got the name the Acid Bath Vampire.

Arthur Shawcross grew up, well not very normal at all you could say. He claims that from age seven, he frequently masturbated and had oral sex with both male and female kids. Years later, he bragged to psychologists that he had also had sex with sheep, a cow and a horse and had killed a chicken in the process of having sex with it. He would also claim that his aunt Tina was responsible for his sexual habits because she forced him to perform oral sex on her. He also claims that when he was fourteen, he had sex with his twelve-year-old sister Jeannie. Another favourite story is that his mother sodomised him with a broomstick when he was a child. years later as a adult he killed two small children. He then went on to kill many prostitutes in New york. He killed these women cause he believed they had AIDS, he also mutilated them. He was sentanced to 200 years.