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Maria Olaru

born on June 4, 1982 in Bucovina, Romania

has two sisters, 3 and 8 years older than her

her father died when she was 3

began gymnastics at the age of 7 at Deva

stands 5'3'' (160 cm) tall

likes all apparatus, doesn't have a favorite

favorite place to visit is Italy

favorite music is Spice Girls, Bryan Adams and Backstreet Boys

enjoys tennis, skating, and swimming

has a Siamese cat

Gymn Forum Lani Schea
Uneven Bars
Hect vault over low bar, kip cast ½-Pike Jaeger-Pak salto, sole circle transition, Giant 1½-Tkachev, cast with ½, blind change-Double front ½ out dismount.
Balance Beam
Punch front tuck mount-Jump, FF-Full twisting back tuck, Side Somi, Split jump-Yang Bo, Punch front tuck-Wolf jump, Switch split leap ¼, Switch split leap-Chen salto, RO-Triple full dismount.
Floor Exercise
Handspring-Front double full-punch Pike front, wolf jump 1 ½, RO-FF-2 ½ twist-punch front tuck, double turn-wolf jump full-Shushnova, RO-FF-Triple full. 
10.0 SV
Yurchenko 2/1 - 9.9 SV, Phelps - 9.8 SV

European Championships - 1 Gold, 1 Silver

Hungarian International - 1st FX, 3rd VT
International Team Championships - 1st Team, 21st AA

Goodwill Games - 2nd AA, 4th VT
European Championships - 1st Team, 2nd VT
Romanian International - 1st VT, 2nd AA
International Team Championships - 2nd Team
Visa American Cup - 5th AA

Marseille - 1st Team, 1st AA, 1st FX
Arthur Gander Memorial - 3rd AA
Internationla Junioar Mees - 1st AA, 1st FX
European Youth Olympic Days - 2nd Team, 5th AA
Glasgow Grand Prix - 3rd VT
International Junior Championships - 1st AA, 1st FX,
ESP vs ROM - 1st AA
International Team Championships - 1st Team
Junior Olympics (Lisbona) - 2nd VT, 3rd BB, 1st FX

Trophee Massilia - 1st Team, 5th AA
Top Gym Junior Tournament - 1st AA
China Cup - 2nd AA
Junior European Championships - 1st VT, 7th FX

Maria Olaru - Nice photo gallery!

Write to Maria at:

Maria Olaru
c/o Federatia Romana de Gimnastica
Str. Vasile Conta 16
70139 Bucuresti
Maria Olaru
c/o Cetate Liceul de Educatie Fizica si Sport Deva
Strada Alexandru Sahia
Deva, 2700

This page is Copyright © 1999, kwiatuszek

Last revision: September 20, 1999