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Andreea Madelina Raducan

born on September 30, 1983 in Birlad, Romania

trains at Deva

Lani Schea
Gymbox Rozalia's Republik

Uneven Bars
Hect vault to HB, kip, kip cast to handstand * turn, giant, healy, front giant full, front giant *, Geinger, overshoot to HS on LB, glide kip cast to handstand, sole circle jump to HB, kip cast to handstand, giant 1* (Kim), front giant, Double front * out dismount 10.0 SV
Balance Beam
Punch front tuck-Jump mount, FF-Full twisting back tuck, Switch split leap-Pike jump, Punch front tuck-Wolf jump, Yang Bo jump, Gainer FF-FF-Double pike dismount
Floor Exercise
ro-bh-double layout, wolf jump 1*-shushunova, ro-bh-2* twist-punch front pike, switch leap-switch leap full-double stag jump, ro-whip-double pike 10.0
Layout Cuervo 9.9, Omelianchik (ro-* on-front pike off) 9.7

Junior International Team Championships - 3rd Team

Junior International Team Championships - 3rd Team, 2nd AA
Junior European Championships - 2nd Team, 4th AA, 3rd FX
Chunichi Cup - 7th AA, 4th VT, 7th UB, 1st BB, 3rd FX

International Team Championships - 1st Team, 4th AA
Samboo International - 3rd VT, 4th UB, 2nd FX
ROM-ESP-GER - 1st Team, 3rd AA
ROM vs ESP - 1st Team, 3rd AA

Raducan's Realm - The only site I have found for Andreea Raducan. Very nicely done.

Write to Andreea:

Andreea Raducan
c/o Federatia Romana de Gimnastica
Str. Vasile Conta 16
70139 Bucuresti
Andreea Raducan
c/o Cetate Liceul de Educatie Fizica si Sport Deva
Strada Alexandru Sahia
Deva, 2700
This page is Copyright © 1999, kwiatuszek

Last revision: October 3, 1999