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D & K Legal Nurse Consultants, L.L.P.

Rosemary Dahl RN LNC and Debbie Kriewall RN CLNC
3683 350 Avenue~ 306 West 10th Street ~
Blue Earth, Minnestoa 56013 ~
Home Phone 507-943-3624 or 507-526-2725 ~
Fax: 507-943-3676 or 507-526-2725
Voice Mail: 507-520-6878
Email: or

The following are legal nurse Consultant services we can provide for you:

Our expertise is the result of combination of over 50 years experience in the health care fields in the Nursing Arena as:
Clinic nurse, Long Term Faciltity Charge Nurse, Wound Care Nurse, Home Health, PM Supervisor, O R Nurse, Massage Practicioner, Assisted Living Coordinator and a Commissioned Officer RN Nurse with the United States Army Reserves Nursing Corp.

Unique features of our services include:

Rosemary Dahl RN LNC
3683 350 Avenue
Blue Earth, Minnesota 56013
Phone: 507-943-3624
Fax: 507-943-3676

Debbie Kriewall RN LNC
306 West 10th
Blue Earth, Minnesota
Phone: 507-526-2725
Fax: 507-526-4485