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LYC Minnesota
Coming Events

Wednesday, October 13th, 1999
LYC Council Meeting at Rob Chong's. Contact us for directions and more info.
Friday, October 15th, 1999
LYCinema Asia at 7:30 p.m., hosted by Johnny Sk. The theme is New Hong Kong Cinema: "Hold You Tight" and "City of Glass". Contact Johnny for directions and more info.

Monday, October 18th, 1999
Bylaws Committee Meeting hosted by John and Justin. Contact us for directions and more info.
Saturday, October 30th, 1999
Halloween Party at 7:00 p.m., hosted by Johnny Sk. and Ricky.
November 20th, 1999
Beaujolais Nouveau!

December 31st, 1999
Millenium Party! The last LYC event of the millenium!

Do you know someone who would like to join in, but isn't on the Internet? Let us know, and we'll give them a call with the info.

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