1. What ethnic group do you identify yourself with?
Caucasian | 20.6% |
Chinese | 17.6% |
Vietnamese | 7.8% |
Asian American | 3.1% |
Hmong | 3.1% |
Taiwanese | 1.3% |
Thai | 1.0% |
Japanese | 0.9% |
Filipino | 0.8% |
German | 0.7% |
African American | 0.5% |
Korean | 0.5% |
Norwegian | 0.4% |
Hispanic | 0.4% |
Italian | 0.4% |
Indonesian | 0.3% |
2. What is your level of education?
High School | 4.1% |
Technical School | 6.8% |
College | 52.7% |
Graduate | 36.5% |
3. What age group do you belong to?
Under 21 | 1.4% | |
Between 21-40 | 70.3% | |
Over 40 | 28.4% |
4. What is your occupation?
Employed | 81.4% | (Empl. Full Time) | 91.7% | (Empl. Part Time) | 8.3% | ||
Student | 13.5% | (Student Full Time) | 100.0% | ||||
Retired | 2.7% | ||||||
Not working | 2.7% |
5. Are you:
Single, available & looking | 51.4% |
Dating | 6.8% |
In a Relationship | 39.2% |
Other | 2.7% |
6. Do you go to LYC activities for
(N) Meeting New Friends | 50.0% |
First Time | 4.1% |
(L) Look for Long Relationship | 1.4% |
Meet Old Friend | 2.7% |
(S) Look for Short Relationship | 0.0% |
Find myself | 1.4% |
(O) Look for One Night Stand | 1.4% |
(N) & (L) & (S) | 13.5% |
(N) & (L) | 8.1% |
(N) & (L) & (O) | 1.4% |
(N) & (S) | 1.4% |
(N) & (L) & (S) & (O) | 10.8% |
(N) & (O) | 4.1% |
--Make a positive contribution, to catch up on gossip, socialize with current friends --Learn about Asian cultures --Search for new "meat" --Just socialize and have fun |
7. Should LYC charge a membership fee to cover the cost of LYC organizational expenses and events?
Yes | 79.7% | No | 20.3% |
8. If the answer is yes to Question #7, what monthly fee is acceptable?
Student: $2 ($24/year) | 28.8% | |
Regular: $5 ($60/year) | 62.7% | |
Patron: $10 ($120/year) | 8.5% |
9. Where should the monthly LYC social event be held?
At a member's house | 48.6% |
At a public place (coffee house, restaurant, etc.) | 27.0% |
Other: | 24.3% |
--I like the informality, ease of mingling --It would be much more difficult to mix with a lot of people at a coffee house or restaurant --Auditorium, function room |
10. Would you be interested in participating as a member of:
(L) The LY Council (Board of Directors) | 9.5% |
(N) The Nomination/Election Committee | 8.1% |
(S) The Social Committee | 12.4% |
(E) The Educational Committee | 1.4% |
(C) The Communications Committee | 8.1% |
(S) & (C) | 1.4% |
(L) & (S) | 6.8% |
(E) & (C) | 1.4% |
(L) & (E) | 1.4% |
(L) & (C) | 1.4% |
Open to all suggestions | 2.7% |
Not interested | 45.9% |
If LYC were to offer other activities, would you be interested in attending any of the following:
11. Social activities
(D) Dining out | 8.1% |
(M) Movies | 1.4% |
(T) Travel | 0.0% |
(O) Outdoor | 5.4% |
(D) & (O) | 8.1% |
(M) & (O) | 4.1% |
(M) & (T) | 1.4% |
(M) & (D) | 1.4% |
(T) & (O) | 2.7% |
(D) & (M) & (T) | 2.7% |
(D) & (M) & (O) | 14.9% |
Anything | 50.0% |
--biking, canoeing, blading, table tennis, mahjong, tennis, bowling, racquet sports --Asian Media Access Movies, video night at a home --ballroom dancing, singing --reading poems, camping |
12. Cultural activities
Museum | 5.4% | Theater & Concert | 10.8% | |
Theater | 2.7% | Museum & Theater | 4.1% | |
Concert | 2.7% | Museum & Concert | 4.1% | |
Open to all suggestions | 56.8% | |||
Not interested | 13.5% |
--book reading clubs, music recitals
13. Special interest/educational activities
(G) Group discussion or Coffee chat | 20.3% |
(W) Workshop/Seminar | 8.1% |
(G) & (W) | 52.7% |
No answer | 18.9% |
--Wellness and Pride, Aids Walk --Asian culture, religions, meditation, martial arts --email discussion board (ex.: the Source) |
14. Outreach activities to promote pride in Asian and Asian-American culture and to present a positive image of the GLBT Asians and Asian-Americans:
Yes | 77.0% | No | 23.0% |
Prepared and revised by Frank Thai (05/04/99)