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This update was posted March 21, 1999

The latest news on the Big Sing . . . . .

Only a few choruses have not returned the Big Sing Information Sheet. Please see the attached sheets to determine how your chorus is doing and what information is still out. Also, each chorus must check the information out for accuracy. Please report mistakes to me quickly, as we will be printing the Big Sing Program shortly. Check all names, titles, and other information. We want to have as few errors (maybe none) as possible. So I need your help!

Check out the new maps of SSU, the high school and Marshall. Hopefully you won't get lost in the maze of inter-connected buildings at SSU


Looks like a great Friday Night Recital. We certainly hope you will sit in on the other choruses as they are performing. BUT, the doors will be closed and monitored at the beginning of each performance so as not to cause any commotion.

As to the order of choruses, I anticipate Marshall will be last on the program. By request, Eau Claire will be next to last, and Rochester will be next to, next to last. If you want to be next to, next to, next to last - or somewhere in between - lets us know. Those are the only choruses that have made any request to me - or at least that I can remember! (I think someone else did, but it got away from me??)

After the Friday Recital, we will have a hospitality room at the Best Western. Those of you in the motels nearby can walk over easily. All are invited - come and visit for a while. Cash bar and food are available.


The morning workshops are a "go." we have enough signed up already to make it worthwhile. We will accept as many as want to attend, of course. Let us know what your numbers are for attending any of these 2 workshops so we can plan an appropriate size room. There is the electronic workshop using MIDI equipment and a computer, and there is a movement workshop - you know - snap your fingers while you are singing! They will be fun and interesting! (I don't know which will be fun and which will be interesting - come and find out!).

You won't want to miss this. We are going to try to read through some 24 pieces of music. WE MAY NOT MAKE IT - BUT IT WILL BE FUN WATCHING US TRY!! Our own Directors will be conducting the session. The music list has been finalized - come prepared to sing a bunch!

Be sure to bring your chorus checkbooks to purchase sightreading packets, or multiple copies of any of the selections. We will have MANY copies of the 3 new sightreading numbers for next year's Big Sing - purchase them here! See the Sightreading Page for more details.

I know some of you wondered about the music, Hunter's Chorus. I ordered a bunch of copies for our chorus, and I guess I expected each chorus to order their own. I got mine from Pepper and it took literally about a day and a half. Call 1-800-345-6296 to order it. I will be willing to send out a copy to any chorus who is having difficulty getting it. Let me know.

Also, if you need a rehearsal tape, please let me know. Someone asked me about that last Saturday, but that got away from me, too. Send me an e-mail or call if you want me to send you one ASAP.

The Statesman (SDSU)
One schedule change from last time - the Statesman concert will begin at 11:15. It will last 30 to 40 minutes. The director would like to get into the R/A facility to warm-up and run through some things at 10:45. So, the Sightreading Session will end promptly and we ask that everyone in the RA exit the facility and go down the hall. We will have a nice cool Schwan's treat for you over by the All Purpose room. Then by 11:10, please make your way back to the RA so we can begin at 11:15 promptly. Enjoy the concert .

If you are eating on campus, you're in for some great lunches - those of you who were at the District Meeting know what a great spread SSU Food Service lays out. The Ladies Luncheon will be special - don't miss it!

PLEASE be in your seats by 1:15 - we want to start on time and have a lot to accomplish, including the march in.

After the mass chorus rehearsal, the solo choruses will rehearse run through their number in the order they are on the program. Remember the 5 B's: "Be Brief Brother, Be Brief." At this point, the choruses need to get away and relax before the big show.

Please try to be in the old gym by 7:00 P.M. We will gather there and then march down the hall to the R/A facility when it's time to start. There will be chairs in there that you can sit in and relax. The old gym (PE) is also the site of the Afterglow.

Food and drinks will be available immediately when you hit the gym floor. Don't forget, tables will be reserved for ech choruses. I am told there will be plenty of bartenders. I anticipate there will be ample time for choruses to sing a number or 2 after the refreshments. We will take non-soloing choruses first, but there should be time for soloing choruses to do some numbers. Pick out that special, crazy, fun tune that you were afraid to sing at the Friday Night Recital!!

Remember, tickets will be available for the the lunches and the Afterglow until April 17. Tickets for the Big Sing are available at the door. Get your orders in.

This information was sent via e-mail and snail mail to everyone on my list. If you want someone to be included in future mailings, please provided me with an e-mail address or a snail mail (street) address. We want to keep you informed!! Also check the Website for all new posting <>

We're looking forward to a great Big Sing!

Charles Carrera
Director, Marshall Area Men's Chorus
103 Marlene Street
Marshall, MN 56263
Phone: (507) 532-5086