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The Following was posted on March 13, 1999

Hard copies of this information were sent to directors without active e-mail accounts. E-mail copies of this information were sent to all contacts in the current Upper Midwest directory. If y ou want to be added to that directory, please let us know. Here are several short items for your consideration.

The hospitality room at the Best Western Marshall Inn will begin at 7:30 P.M. this Friday. It will be in one of the meeting rooms over by the pool area - look for signs. It's a great time to sit and chat informally - hope to see you there.

As a point of clarification, tickets to ALL events WILL be available for purchase at the district meeting. Bring your numbers and your checkbooks and we'll give you the tickets you need. You can continue to order tickets up to April 17 which is a week before the Big Sing. At the least, please bring the completed BIG SING INFORMATION SHEET completely filled out. This informations is very important to our final Big Sing preparations

I will provide 2 copies of sightreading music for those directors who are helping with the sightreading session. So far, I've only heard from two. (If I don't hear from more by the District Meeting, come prepared to have your arm twisted!) I need to fax the final sightreading list to Schmitt Music by March 22 so that they can order music in time for the Big Sing.

Directors, please bring the Big Sing music to the District Meeting so that we can talk about any specifics, like tempos, repeats, unisons, notes....etc.

How do you feel about the select chorus holding music. A concern has been raised that some of the guys may have difficulty memorizing the piece, expecially the words. The director of this piece would like it to be memorize. Come with your thoughts on this.

All locations have been set for the various events to take place on Friday and Saturday. We will give you an information sheet on this at the District Meeting. PLUS we will give you more maps - I love maps - of the 2 facilities we will be using (the high school and the university). We will also tour the facilities of the high school and the university on Saturday

The complete Upper Midwest Directory has been e-mailed to all choruses. Check it out. If your name was on the e-mailing list, but is not now, it's because the e-mails that I have sent have bounced back to me as UNDELIVERABLE. If anyone wants to be added to the list, just let me know the pertinant information. If anyone wants OFF the list, let me know that, too.

This information is being sent via e-mail to all choruses except those whose directors do not have e-mail addresses. Those directors will get a hard copy. The above information will also be posted on the web <>.

See you at the Spring Meeting or The Big Sing


Posted 3/8/99 - The following has been sent to all Directors

Greetings again - I hope your year is progressing well, and that your preparations for your various programs and the Big Sing are also going well. This letter will outline some more details of the Big Sing and the District Meeting.


The room locations for the district meeting have been set. We will be meeting on March 20 at Southwest State University in the IL (Independent Learning) building in room 212. We will have rolls, coffee, and juice available at 8:30 A.M. The meeting will start at 9:00 A.M. The directors will meet in IL 216 when we go to split session, and lunch will be served in IL 214. Please look for BLUE signs to help direct you to the meeting rooms. For directions to the SSU campus, refer to Maps of Marshall

We hope that directors and representatives will be able to attend this important meeting as we will be finalizing plans for the Big Sing. We will also be touring the facilities and showing you where all the various events will be taking place. There will be a hospitality room at the Best Western (across the street from SSU) for those that will be coming in on Friday night. Snacks and drinks will be available in the Chaparral Room.


We are excited to have 3 fine adjudicators. They are Dr. Michael Suzuki, Professor of Choral Music at SSU, Charles Canaan, Professor of Choral music at SDSU, and Steve O'Connor, Marshall High School Choral Director. The adjudicators will spend some time working with your group after your performance.

The recital will take place in the high school theater beginning at 7:00 P.M. Choruses that really need a later performance time due to longer travel times may request a later time. The doors on either side of the theater will be closed during a performance. We ask that you not exit or enter the theater during a performance. There will be monitors at the doors.

We will provide a hospitality room for any chorus members who want to visit after the Friday Night Recital. The hospitality room will be at the Best Western where food and drinks can be purchased. All choruses are invited to attend this - please come and visit for a while.


The SSU campus buildings are all connected, so there is no need ever to exit outside to get to the next event. Throughout the morning, look for BLUE signs directing you to the various events.

Complimentary rolls, coffee, and juice will be available for your enjoyment from 7:30 A.M. and through the morning. Come early and enjoy food and fellowship.

Workshops Sessions - The first sessions start at 8:15 A.M and will last until 9:00. There will be 2 workshops available.

#1 - Electronic Music - sometimes called MIDI music: The ins and outs of how to use a computer to produce music. Sequencing (recording of music) and music notation (publishing music) will be demonstrated. The hardware, cables, interface, keyboards or synthesizers, and the software for sequencing and notation will be discussed and demonstrated. Learn how this process can help your chorus or other musical group in which you may be involved. I will be conducting this session.

#2 - Movement Workshop - does you chorus have trouble snapping their fingers, much less moving, while singing. (WE DO!) Come and learn about how to add simple movements to your music. This will be a hands on workshop - come prepared to try out some new things - sounds like fun!

We would like to have an idea as to how many would be interested in these workshops. Please indicate this on the attached Big Sing Information Sheet.

The Sightreading Session - We are planing to have a one and a half hour sightreading session. This is time well spent reading through new choral music and we don't want to cut the time short.

The reading list has been compiled and is included in this mailing. Included on the list will be next year's proposed 3 mass chorus numbers. Ann Koop-Hunsberger will present these numbers. This year, we would like to open the sightreading session to other directors who would like to present and rehearse a selection or 2. It can be a selection from the list that we have prepared or a selection of your choice. If you are interested in directing a selection (or 2) of your choosing, please submit the title, composer and publisher to me very soon (hopefully within a week) so that I can pass it on to Schmitt Music who is providing the sightreading music.

I hope to get several directors to help with this session - it will be fun! But I need you to respond within a week by calling me at (507) 532-5086, or snail mail me at 103 Marlene St, Marshall, MN 56258. or e-mail to Please read the additional information on the Sightreading Session page.

The sightreading music will be available for purchase during the day after the sightreading session. Next year's mass chorus selections will be available for purchase also. Please bring your chorus checkbooks and take advantage of this opportunity to buy some of these new publications.

Saturday Morning Concert - presented by the South Dakota State University Statesmen at 11:00 A.M. It will be R/A Facility, the same location as the Big Sing. Don't miss this exciting group!

Noon Lunch, Ladies Luncheon, Directors Luncheon (11:45 to 1:15) - Please indicate how many tickets you require on the Big Sing Information Sheet. These tickets are all pre-sale tickets only. No tickets will be available at the door. The locations of these events will be given to you at the district meeting. The Ladies Luncheon will be a gala event with excellent entertainment. There will be many doorprizes and a raffle with the proceeds going to the Upper-Midwest Scholarship fund. Please encourage your wives to attend this great event.

Big Sing Mass Chorus Rehearsal - we will begin at 1:15 promptly - please be seated by sections by the start of rehearsal, from left to right, bass, baritone, tenor 2, tenor 1. After the rehearsal, solo choruses will rehearse their selections in the order they appear on the program. Please limit your rehearsal time to 10 minutes or less.

The Big Sing (7:30 P.M.) - Chorus members will assemble at 7:00 in preparation for the march into the R/A Facility. There will be a Dixieland band playing while the choruses make their entrance (Buffalo re-visited). It should be very exciting. The location for the line-up will be in the small gym just down the hall. There are chairs there to sit and relax before the march in begins. Our Master of Ceremonies is a morning talk show host on one of our local radio station. He will be excellent.

Afterglow - The afterglow will take place in the small gym, which is the location for the line-up prior to the march in It is just down the hall from the R/A Facility. A ticket will be required to enter the Afterglow (please see ticket prices on the Big Sing Information Sheet. Tables at the afterglow will be reserved for each chorus. We will determine how many tickets have been purchased for your chorus and have that number of seats (plus a few extras) available to you.

The bars will be open immediately after the Big Sing and the food will also be served immediately upon entering the gym.

We will be entertained by the Disciples of Dixie Band during the first part of the Afterglow. Then those choruses who are scheduled to perform (the non-soloing choruses) will do so in no particular order. Just sign up with the MC to schedule your turn. Please limit your selections to 2. Other choruses may perform after the scheduled choruses, time permitting.

Hosts - We will assigned a member of the Marshall Area Men's Chorus to be a host for your chorus. The host will give you the information you need when you first get into Marshall. We would like to greet you at the motel upon your arrival and we need to know what motel you will be staying at and what is your estimated time of arrival. Please indicate that on the Big Sing Information Sheet. The host will probably call you a few days prior to the Big Sing to verify your motel and arrival times.

The Big Sing Information Sheet Page.

Click on the above link to go to the Big Sing Information Sheet. It is a worksheet to help you determine the necessary information that you need to begin gathering. We would like to have this sheet completed and turned in at the District Meeting on March 20. Please bring it with you to that meeting. Tickets can still be purchased after this date and until April 17.

To those directors who will consider taking part in the sightreading session, I need that information before the district meeting - hopefully within a week.

Again, if you have questions or concerns, direct them to me, and we will try to address them. We are looking forward to a great BIG SING.


Posted 2/21/99 - The following posting has been sent to all Directors.

from the Marshall Area Men's Chorus, the hosts for the 1999 Big Sing. Things are moving fast now and this letter will inform you of many of the details which have been set for the Big Sing. This letter and package (which includes the rehearsal tape for Hunter's Chorus) is being sent only to the directors. A copy of this letter will be sent to all contacts on the e-mail mailing list and will be posted on the MAMC Big Sing website (

The District Meeting has been set for
Saturday, March 20, and will be held at Southwest State University, the site of the Big Sing. At this meeting we will finalize plans for the Big SIng and have the opportunity to tour the facilities.

The schedule has been set for Friday and Saturday, It is as follows:

Friday Night Adjudicated Recital - Marshall High School

7:00 P.M - The recital begins. Choruses will have 10 minutes to warm up in the high school choral room. They will then be escorted to the theater (just across the hall) and be given 10 minutes to perform their 2 selections. After their performance, they will be escorted to the band room where an adjudicator will work with your chorus for about 10 minutes. The recital will last for approximately 2 1/2 hours.

Saturday Activities - Southwest State University

8:15 to 9:00 - There will be workshops available for directors and chorus members. The topics will be announced in the near future,

9:00 to 9:15 - Break - coffee and refreshments available

9:15 to 10:45 - Sightreading session and Select Chorus rehearsal

10:45 to 11:00 - Break - coffee and refreshments available

11:00 to 11:45: Concert by the Statesman from South Dakota State University, directed by Charles Canaan.

11:45 to 1:15 - Lunch (Director's Lunch - 12:00 to 1:00; Ladies' Luncheon - 12:30 to 2:30)

There will be a lunch available on campus for those chorsus members who want to stay on the premises. Otherwise, there are many eating places within 10 to 15 minutes walking distance from the SSU campus.

1:15 - 3:30: Mass Chorus Rehearsal - We ask that chorus members should be seated in the bleacher section by 1:15. We would very much like to start on time. Seating will be by sections from left to right, bass, baritone, tenor 2, tenor 1.

3:30 - Solo choruses will rehearse their selection from the riser they will perform from at the evening concert. Please limit your practice time to 5 to 10 minutes.

7:00 - Choruses assemble for the Big Sing concert.

7:30 - Big Sing Concert - There will be a processional which will start promptly at 7:30.

10:00 to 1:00 - Afterglow - The Afterglow will take place at the same location as the Big Sing concert.



Big Sing Concert: $7.00 advanced ticket; $8:00 at the door: Ticket prices for children 12 and under are $4.00.

Saturday Noon Meal: $5.00 includes food and drink

Afterglow: $10.00 includes meal; $5.00 admittance only, excludes meal

Ladies Luncheon (12:30 to 2:30) $15.00, includes meal, entertainment, and a wide range of doorprizes. There will also be a raffle with the proceeds going to the Upper-Midwest Scholarship fund. Thelma's Group. a comedy group, will provide entertainment. The Ladies Luncheon theme is Stardust - and this will a "Spring-like" sparkling occasion for all the ladies.

Directors Luncheon (12:00 to 1:00) $10.00 includes meal

Please Note: Tickets must be purchased in advanced for the Saturday Noon Meal, the Afterglow, the Ladies' Luncheon, and the Director's Luncheon. Please come to the District meeting on March 20 with preliminary numbers of how many will participate in these events. The last day to purchase these tickets will be Saturday, April 17. Tickets for the Big Sing Concert are available at the door for $8.00.



The selection for the Select Chorus is Hunter's Chorus. It is an up-tempo piece which will be fun to sing and fun to listen to. The director of this selection, Dr. Michael Suzuki, has requested a chorus of about 90 singers. To get to that number, we will request that the smaller choruses supply one member from each section (Tenor 1, Tenor 2, Baritone, and Bass) and the larger choruses supply 2 members from each section (see bottom of page for numbers).

Included in this package is a rehearsal tape. The tape consists of 5 recordings in the order below. These is a 5 second pause between each recording and there is no talking on the tape.

#1. Accompaniment part with the Tenor 1 part emphasized

#2. Accompaniment part with the Tenor 2 part emphasized

#3. Accompaniment part with the Baritone part emphasized

#4. Accompaniment part with the Bass part emphasized

#5. Accompaniment only - no parts.

We feel this will be a great help to those chorus members who need to learn this extra piece of music. What you, or someone in your organization needs to do, is to copy each part from the original cassette tape to another cassette tape and distribute the appropriate tapes to your chorus members who will be participating. You may optionally add the accompaniment only to each cassette.

Here are some other details concerning this piece.

Here is a listing of how many singers each chorus will provide to the select chorus . If you feel you want to provide less, or wish to include more, please let me know.

 3M - 8  Blandin - 8  Clark County - 4
 Cold Spring - 4  Eau Claire - 8  Jamestown - 8
 Knights of Columbus - 4  Litchfield - 4  Lockheed - 4
 Marshall - 8  Rochester - 8  South St. Paul - 8
 Staples - 8  Winnepeg - 4  

Practice for the select chorus will be from 9:15 to 10:45 (or as long as is needed). If you have any other questions concerning the selection, please communicate them to me.



There will be a one and a half hour sightreading session. We would like to have various guest conductors participate in presenting new music. We are in the process of putting together the music and conductors for this session. If you have selections that you would like to include in the reading session, please get me the names of these pieces soon. Also, if you would like to present a piece at the sightreading, please let me know that also.



We would like to begin gathering information and numbers.

We are looking forward to a great Big Sing. Our community is very supportive of musical events and they will be out in mass to hear a great concert.

Charles Carrera
Director, Marshall Area Men's Chorus

P.S. Do I have an e-mail contact from at least 1 person in your chorus? If not, please supply one. (What is life without e-mail???)

Charles Carrera, Director, Marshall Area Men's Chorus


POSTED 10/11/98 - Report from Director's Meeting.
Notes from the Fall District Meeting held on October 10, 1998

Solo Choruses for the 1999 Big Sing in Marshall have been established as follows:

1. Blandin Male Chorus - Ron Nelson, Director
2. 3-M Male Chorus - Lori French, Director
3. Cold Spring Mannaechor - Tim Jarnot, Director
4. Eau Claire Male Chorus - Richard Moses, Director
Assistant Director Ron Maston will conduct the chorus at the Big Sing
5. Knights of Columbus Male Chorus - Don Rowe, Director
6. Litchfield Male Chorus, Randy Wilson, Director
We welcome the Litchfield Male Chorus to the Upper Midwest District!
7. Marshall Area Men's Chorus - Charles Carrera, Director

Choruses NOT soloing at Marshall

1. Staples Area Men's Chorus - Stan Carlson, Director
2. Clark County Men's Chorus - Tennes Navrstad, Director
3. Winipeg Male chorus - Ann Koop-Hunsberger, Director
4. Rochester Male Chorus - David Dryg, Director
5. South St. Paul - Mark Howarth, Director
6. Jamestown Choralaires - Pam Burkhardt, Director
7. Lockheed-Martin Chorus - Dave Campen, Director
Lockheed has graciously given up their turn to solo this year.

Mass Chorus Directors

1. O Canada - Ann Koop-Hunsberger (Marshall)
2. Star Spangled Banner - Charles Carrera (Marshall)
3. Salutation - Charles Carrera (Marshall)
4. Shepherd's Psalm - Tennes Navrestad (Clark County)
5. Brothers Sing On - Dave Campen (Lockheed-Martin)
6. Come Sing This Round With Me - Ann Koop-Hunsberger (Winnepeg)
7. Heaven - Stan Carlson (Staples)
8. Landlord, Fill This Flowing Bowl - Lori French (3-M)
9. River in Judea - Pam Burkhardt (Jamestown)
10. The Impossible Dream - Mark Howarth (South St. Paul)
11. All The Pretty Little Horses - David Dryg (Rochester)
12. When The Saints Go Marching In - Charles Carrera (Marshall)

Please Note: This is NOT the order of the program. The exact order will be determine later.

Other Items

There will be a select chorus which will be under the direction of Dr. Michael Suzuki, Professor of Music and Choral Director at Southwest State University. Each chorus should select 4 singers, one from each section, to participate in this select chorus. If you have any suggestions as to a selection for the select chorus, please e-mail them quickly to - the selection will be determined in the near future.

An updated directory of all Upper-Midwest District Chorus directors and contacts will be e-mailed or sent via snail-mail this week. If you would like to be added to the mailing list (either e-mail or snail mail) please e-mail me at

It would be nice to have a least one e-mail for each chorus in the district so that pertinent information to member choruses can get out in the fastest and easiest (and cheapest way). These choruses do not have at least one person in their chorus designated as an e-mail recipient: Clark County, Knights of Columbus, Rochester, and Litchfield.

Directors with e-mail will receive updates via e-mail only. All directors without e-mail will receive hard copies of updates via snail mail.

As stated above, we welcome the Litchfield Male Chorus to the '99 Big Sing. We look forward to meeting you and hearing from your fine chorus.

Charles Carrera, Director, Marshall Area Men's Chorus

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Big Sing

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