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Meet the Marshall Area Men's

Chorus Singers




**Pat Casey, Olivia, MN

Judd Copeland, Granite Falls, MN

Floyd Kramer, Vesta, MN

Bruce Mathiason, Walnut Grove, MN

Jon Schmugge, Marshall, MN

Lee Steffen, Walnut Grove, MN

Ron Stenzel, Marshall, MN



John Alcorn, Marshall, MN

Les Anderson, Marshall, MN

Clair Baker, Walnut Grove, MN

John Doyle, Marshall, MN

Bruce Flesner, Tracy, MN

Mike Knott, Tracy, MN

Don Kerkvliet, Marshall, MN

John Lenz, Cottonwood, MN

Robert Meffert, Marshall, MN

Larry Poluck, Vesta, MN

Tony Stenzel, Marshall, MN

Ray Thull, Lucan, MN




Fred Almer, Marshall, MN

**Loren Arvidson, Marshall, MN

Richard Brown, Tracy, MN

Dan Carlson, Cottonwood, MN

Glen Mathiason, Walnut Grove, MN

Dave Mix, Tracy, MN

Kevin Passe, Redwood Falls, MN

Lloyd Petersen, Marshall, MN

Dan Stores, Marshall, MN

Dave Swanson, Marshall, MN



Paul Evanson, Marshall, MN

Norm Evers, Cottonwood, MN

Chad Kerr, Marshall, MN

Kerry Knakmuhs, Walnut Grove, MN

John Lund, Marshall, MN

Rod Maguire, Walnut Grove, MN

Robert Ochocki, Tracy, MN

Gordon Timm, Marshall, MN

Jim Vandendriessche, Garvin, MN

Dennis Veldhuisen, Cottonwood, MN


** Charter Members of the chorus since 1967



Charles Carrera, Director, Marshall, MN

Rennae Petersen, Accompanist, Marshall, MnN

Marilyn Lund, Accompanist, Marshall, MN

Anna Jeane Flesner, Accompanist, Tracy MN


About MAMC

The 1999
Big Sing

Big Sing Repertoire

About Marshall, MN

Motels in Marshall

Map Of Marshall

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