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Chorus Directors, Governors, and Chorus Contacts,

This update is being e-mailed and snail-mailed to all Chorus contacts in my address book. You will also find it on the web, along with all other updates, at <>.

Less than 2 weeks to go before it's "Time to Shine in '99" at the Big Sing. I'm sure everybody knows that this is the 50th year of existence for the AMCA. Anyone been around that long??? We are planning a grand celebration for this event. I know most choruses are busy this weekend and next weekend with your own concerts and dinner shows and I hope you have a smashing show.

Most information is in now. There are a few choruses that still have outstanding info that we need. PLEASE check out this e-mail to see if your chorus needs to get me any information. I want to thank you chorus directors, governors, and contacts for the prompt responses I have gotten so far.

A few changes have been made since the last update. If all your members are not informed of everything that is going on, we will be placing an information sheet for each member of your chorus in the chorus packets that you get Friday afternoon/evening . It will contain all the times and locations of all the events, announcements, and late updated info.

Here's the latest.

Remember, a member from the Marshall Area Men's Chorus will contact you the week of the 19th to verify your motel and time of arrival into Marshall, and will greet you when you get in town.

Friday Night Recital - 7:00 P.M.
Directors, when you enter the stage and get on the choral risers, please wait until you are given the word to perform from the MC. The adjudicators will signal the MC, and the MC will announce for you to begin. This is a slight change from the last update.

The order of performances was listed in the last update. I have heard not complaints about when your chorus is performing. You have until Friday, APRIL 16 to get me any changes that may be necessary.

3 choruses HAVE NOT given me titles yet. They are 3M, South St. Paul, and Staples. Remember, I need these titles by Friday APRIL 16

5 choruses HAVE NOT sent me their 2 adjudicator's copies. They are Cold Spring (Water is Wide), 3M, Jamestown, South St. Paul, and Staples. Remember, I need these titles by Friday APRIL 16. PLEASE try to get these in the mail by early next week. Mail to Charles Carrera, 103 Marlene Street, Marshall, MN 56258.

Remember the hospitality room at the Best Western after the Recital - join us for a few minutes if you can.


Continental Breakfast
- come to the R/A facility between 7:30 and 8:15 for rolls, coffee, and juice.

Workshops - 8:15 to 9:00
The workshops locations changed again - they change every week. (The numbers are growing, and we keep looking for bigger rooms - we are now up to 32 for the electronic workshop and 50 for the movement workshop). The movement workshop will now be in the R/A facility. The risers will be used as well as some of the open space on the gym floor. The electronic music workshop will now be in the Student Center Dome Lounge in the Student Center. Look for the BLUE signs to help point you to the various events.

If any members of your chorus want to attend these workshops, PLEASE LET US KNOW BY APRIL 16. I have not received any info on this from the following choruses: Blandin, Eau Claire, South St. Paul, Staples Area. If you don't respond, I will assume there is no interest in them from your members.

Sightreading Session - 9:15 to 10:45
All the music for the sightreading session is in. We will have 150 packets - you will need to share packets. I will send out a schedule to all directors so you know when you are on. Remember that individual copies or multiple copies of each selection will be available for purchase after the sightreading session. Next year's Big Sing numbers will also be available. Thanks to Schmitt Music for providing the music. PLEASE return the packets after the sightreading session is over. WE MUST SHIP UNSOLD COPIES BACK.

Statesmen Concert - 11:15 to 11:50
The concert by the SDSU Statesmen will begin at 11:15. PLEASE have your wives attend this concert - it will be a treat to hear this magnificent group.

Lunches, Afterglow, and Big Sing Tickets
We need to finalize the lunch numbers and Afterglow by Friday, April 16. If you haven't given us numbers yet, please get them to me this week. Also, if you want to add to your original numbers, please call. Call me with your numbers at (507) 532-5086. I have an answering machine if I am not home. If I don't hear from you by the 16th, I will assume that there is no interest in these lunch events.

Saturday noon lunch for chorus members: I haven't heard from these choruses: Cold Spring, Eau Claire, Litchfield, South St. Paul, Staples, (Winnipeg - no one signed up for this - right?)

Ladies Luncheon: I haven't heard from these choruses: Cold Spring, Eau Claire, Litchfield, South St. Paul, Staples

Directors Luncheon: I have reserved a lunch for all Directors and Accompanists. Please send your check for these lunches ($10.00 each - total of $20.00). Directors and accompanists, we have an hour to kill at this luncheon, so I am asking each director or accompanist (or both) to share one really great thing that you encountered this season (from September to May). (Guess what mine will be about???). It should be exciting to hear some of the neat things each chorus has been involved in this year.

Ladies Luncheon:
Our ladies have been planning a great Ladies Luncheon - I hope you get your wives in on it. I have not received numbers from these choruses: Cold Spring, Eau Claire, Litchfield, South St. Paul. Staples.

Afterglow: We need to have firm numbers for the Afterglow by April 16. I have not received numbers from these choruses: 3M, Cold Spring, Eau Claire, Litchfield, South St. Paul, Staples.

Big Sing Tickets: Advanced Big Sing Tickets are 7 bucks - tickets at the door are 8 bucks. (Tickets for kids 12 and under are 4 bucks). So save a buck and order the tickets you want before arriving at the Big Sing. Send in your numbers and check, and we will hold the tickets for you and give them to you on Friday afternoon.

These choruses have not reserved any Big Sing Tickets: 3M, Cold Spring, Eau Claire, Litchfield, South St. Paul, Staples.

Massed Chorus Rehearsal
All choruses will assemble in the old PE gym at 1:15. This is a change from what was previously published. We will practice marching in and we want to do this only once, so please be on time. Your chorus host from Marshall will lead your chorus. Line up with tenors I and Tenors II on the right side and Baritones and Basses on the left side.

Once you get into the bleachers the First tenors turn right and the second tenors turn left. The Baritones turn right and the Basses turn left. Marshall members will be there to direct you. The first choirs will go to the top of the bleachers and each succeeding choir will fill in each part proceeding down the bleachers. Anyone who is not able to climb the bleachers may sit in the front two bleachers

Order of Entrance
1. South St. Paul
2. Rochester
3. Staples
4. Jamestown
5. Lockheed Martin
6. Winnipeg
7. Clark County
8. Cold Spring
9. Knights of Columbus
10. Litchfield
11. Eau Claire
12. Blandin
13. 3M
14. Marshall

During the concert each solo chorus will come down line up and proceed to the appropriate chorus shell. The chorus may briefly line up off the risers and then enter orderly onto the risers. Each chorus in a pair will wait on the risers while the other chorus sings. After both have sung return back to your spots in the bleachers as quickly as possible.

After Brothers Sing On - 3M and Litchfield proceed down, 3M on the left, Litchfield on the right.
After River in Jude - 3M and Cold Spring proceed down, Cold Spring on the left, Eau Claire on the right. Can go back up during intermission.
After intermission - Select Chorus on right, Blandin on left. Blandin members of the select Chorus will need to move quickly over to the other risers for solo number.
After Pretty Little Horses - Knights of Columbus and Marshall come down, Knights on the left, Marshall on the right.

Solo Chorus Rehearsal
3:35 - 3:42 3M Male Chorus on left shell

3:43 - 3:50 Litchfield Male Chorus on right shell

3:51 - 3:58 Cold Spring Area Maennerchor on left shell

3:59 - 4:06 Eau Claire Male Chorus on right shell

4:07 -- 4:14 Blandin Male Chorus on left shell

4:15 - 4:22 Minneapolis Knights of Columbus Male Chorus on left shell

4:23 - 4:30 Marshall Area Men's Chorus on right shell

The right shell is the shell on your right as you are facing the crowd. This is the shell closest to the entrance door. The left shell is to your left when facing the crowd.

PLEASE BE READY AT YOUR SCHEDULED TIME FOR YOUR SOLO REHEARSAL. DO NOT RUN OVER YOUR TIME AS OTHER CHORUSES ARE WAITING. Except for Knights of Columbus everyone else can be lined up while the previous chorus is rehearsing.

Supper - Enjoy a meal at one of Marshall's finest.

Big Sing - 7:00 P.M.
Assemble at 7:00 P.M. in the PE old gym. We will be marching in to the music of the Disciples of Dixie Band. It will be exciting as you make a grand entrance - it will be appreciated by the crowd.

Have a great concert!

Afterglow - after the concert

The afterglow takes place in the PE small gym just down the hall from the R/A facility. When you walk into the old gym, look for your table which is reserved for your chorus - it will have your chorus name on it. Bars will be open and the food will be ready as soon as you enter the gym.

Non-soloing choruses will have the first opportunity to sing at the Afterglow, but there should be room for other (soloing) choruses to participate (limit: 2 numbers). Bring along a couple fun light numbers to share with us. You don't need to provide me with the names of selections - just sign up with the MC when we start the singing.

Final Notes: Please get your final numbers to me by this Friday, April 16. Again, if I don't hear from you on numbers, I will assume your most recent numbers are correct or that your chorus is not interested in the event. Also, get your Friday night titles and your adjudicator's copies to me by Friday, April 16. Please include the composer(s), arranger, publisher, and octavo number. - If you don't get me your titles, I will assign you 2 of my favorite titles to sing.

And last but not least: If you have any questions, concerns, comments...let me know what they are. We're looking forward to a great Big Sing.

Charles Carrera
Director, Marshall Area Men's Chorus
103 Marlene Street
Marshall, MN 56258
Phone: (507) 532-5086

P.S. How many Directors does it take to change a light bulb???
(ANSWER: 1, but who really knows, nobody's ever watching!)

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