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This update was posted April 17

Directors, Governors, and Chorus Contacts,

The Big Sing is just a few days away. This will be the last major update before the Big Sing. This update will be e-mailed and snail-mailed to everyone in my address book. All past, present and future updates can be found on the net at <>. Any updates necessary during the week of the Big Sing will be emailed only. There is at least one chorus member/director with e-mail for each chorus, so please share the information you get with the rest of the chorus. Some of this update information is being repeated from the last update (4/11), so consult that update for more information

Friday Afternoon

Your host will greet you at your motel on Friday, They will have a packet of community and Big Sing information for each chorus member. They will probably call your chorus sometime during the week to confirm your arrival and motel. Here are the hosts' name
1. South St. Paul - Host Gordon Timm
2. Rochester - Host Rod Maguire
3. Staples - Host John Lenz
4. Jamestown - Host Dave Mix
5. Lockheed Martin - Host Jon Schmugge
6. Winnipeg - Host Loren Arvidson
7. Clark County - Host Les Anderson
8. Cold Spring - Host Ray Thull
9. Knights of Columbus - Host Bob Ochocki
10. Litchfield - Host Pat Casey
11. Eau Claire - Host Ron Stenzel
12. Blandin - Host John Doyle
13. 3M - Host Lee Steffen

Friday Night Adjudicated Recital

I have all the adjudicator copies in except for 2 choruses. I gave the adjudicators the option of having the music and adjudication sheets one week prior to the recital (2 have taken me up on it). They will have a chance to look at your pieces and be able to help better you in the time allotted for working with your chorus. I have given them some instructions as to their adjudication, and I want you to know what I have told them because much of the information will directly relate to you also. Here is the information that I have given them.
Some notes about the adjudication:

There is a 12 minute time space for each chorus to perform. Each chorus will probably use only 6 or 7 minutes to perform their 2 selections. That should give the adjudicators an average of 6 minutes to finish writing comments on the adjudication sheet.

If you are working with a chorus, you will have 12 minutes to make any comments or rehearse any sections. The aural comments will take place in the choir room.

The doors will be closed and monitored during a performance and people will not be allowed to enter. At the conclusion of a performance (which includes BOTH numbers), the doors will be opened and some chorus members will exit the auditorium and others will enter. This is a natural progression, as choruses leave for the warm-up room or re-enter after their performance. When you are finished writing your comments for a chorus you will work with, please proceed to the choir room. The chorus will be there waiting for you.

We would like to stay on schedule as much we can. It should not be too difficult as we have allowed plenty of time for each chorus. But please keep an eye on the clock.

Our Master of Ceremonies, Lloyd Petersen, will wait for a signal from the adjudicators when they are ready to hear the next chorus. Please motion him when you are ready. Then he will announce the name of the chorus, and the chorus will perform their 2 selections.

Every attempt has been made to list the selections in the program in the order they will be performed. A chorus may however choose to reverse the order of their selections. I will ask the director to announce that the order printed in the program will be reversed so that you can be ready with the correct music and adjudication sheet.

The adjudication sheet uses a 5 point rating scale for each musical area. Please put a rating in the box for each of these areas. Do not total the points. If any area is given a rating of 3 or less, the chorus directors have specifically requested that you comment in that area. Also, please try to comment in any or all other areas regardless of the rating.

The choruses are not competing against each other. No scores will be published and the choruses will have access to their adjudication sheets only.

Each chorus strongly encourages each member to attend the Big Sing. In most cases, the choruses will have 80 to 90 percent of their members present for the Big Sing. We have over 400 men participating in this weekend's activities. That's a great tribute to this event and to the Associated Male Choruses of America Upper-Midwest District. We are looking forward to a great time of music on Friday night as well as a great learning experience.

I think I have stated this to you, but we are very fortunate and pleased to have such capable musicians helping in our weekend events. Thank you for your participation.
A week ago, I posted the Friday night schedule and asked if any choruses did not like their performance time to get back to me. I did not receive any response, so I assume everybody is OK with their time. Here is the final schedule and program.

7:00: Opening Remarks, Master of Ceremonies, Lloyd Petersen

Blandin Male Chorus
Sweet Hour of Prayer, arr by Alice Parker, Lawson Gould-51359
The Greenland Whale Fishery, arr. David Poole, Lawson Gould - 52929

Cold Spring Area Maennerchor

The Water Is Wide, by Luigi Zanincelli, Shawnee Press, Inc - C-191
Cape Cod Girls, Arr by Emily Crocker, Hal Leonard - 08703183

3M Male Chorus
Go Away Little Girl, By Gerry Goffin and Crole King, arr. by Ed Lojeski, Leonard, 08200580
Slap That Bass, George and Ira Gershwin, Jeff Whitmill

Jamestown Choralaires
Down in the Valley, by George Mead, Galaxy Music Corp - 1.1716
Daddy Sang Bass, by Anita Kerr, Hal Leonard - 08564864

Clark County Male Chorus
America - Our Heritage, Steele - arr. Ades, Shawnee Press, Inc. - C1333
The Water is Wide, Gooding/Zaininelli, Shawnee Press, Inc. - C-191

Minneapolis Knights of Columbus Male Chorus
Let There Be Music, Marjorie Elliot and Frances Williams (Flamer - 82145)
Whisper! Whisper! by Jay Althouse, Alfred Publishing Co., Inc. - 11629

----10 MINUTE BREAK: 8:17 TO 8:27 -----

South St. Paul Male Chorus

The Last Words of David, Randall Thompson, E.C. Schirmer, ECS 2154
If Music Be The Food Of Love, by David Dickau, Plymouth Music Co., Inc. - PJMS-301

Staples Area Men's Chorus
Annabell Lee, by Edna Lewis and John Mitri Habash, arr. John Mitri Habash, OR-300
Thy Life, a Brooklet, Clear and Limpid, Franz Schubert, arr. H.G.M E.C. Schirmer, #2148

Lockheed Martin Chorus
If Music Be The Food Of Love, by David Dickau, Plymouth Music Co., Inc. - PJMS-301
A-Roving, Arr Norman Luboff Walton Music W1004

Winnipeg Male Chorus
Moonlight, by W. H. Belyea, Leslie Music Supply, Inc. - No. 6007
Hallelujah, Amen, by G.F. Handel, Arr., A Davison, Schirmer Music Co. #38

Rochester Male Chorus
Thy Will Be Done, By Joyce Eilers, Heritage Music Press - H-131 Soloist: Vern Anderson
Didn' My Lord Deliver Daniel? Arr by Nina Gilbert, Music 70 - M70-704

Eau Claire Male Chorus
Gloria in Excelsis, Mozart, Presser - 312-10458
Prayer of the Children, Bestor, Warner Brothers, CH96166

Marshall Area Men's Chorus
Scarborough Fair, Arranged by John F. Wilson, Somerset Press - MM9004
Workin'' On The Railroad, Arranged by Don Moore, CPP/Belwin, Inc. - SV 9438

If you see any problems in the above schedule, please get to me quickly.


*Blandin and Cold Spring will need to warm up at 6:53 - one in the Band Room (Blandin) and one in the Choir Room (Cold Spring).

**While Blandin is performing, Cold Spring will go to the "on-deck" area and wait for Blandin to complete their performance AND, 3M will begin their warm-up in the Band Room (7:05).

***At the Conclusion of the Blandin performance, Blandin will exit to the Choir Room, Cold Spring will enter the stage and prepare for their performance, AND 3M will move to the Band Room for their warmup (7:17).

The schedule proceeds this way throughout the evening - here's the complete schedule

6:53 Blandin and Cold Spring warm up.
7:05 Blandin performs, Cold Spring waits in on-deck area, 3M warmup
7:12 Cold Spring performs, 3M waits in on-deck area, Jamestown warmup
7:29 3M performs, Jamestown waits in on-deck area, Clark County warmup
7:41 Jamestown performs, Clark County waits in on-deck area, Knight of Columbus warmup
7:53 Clark County performs, Knights of Columbus waits in on-deck area, South St. Paul warmup
8:05 Knights of Columbus performs, South St. Paul waits in on-deck area, Staples warmup
8:27 South St. Paul performs, Staples waits in on-deck area, Lockheed Martin warmup
8:39 Staples performs, Lockheed Martin waits in on-deck area, Winnipeg warmup
8:51 Lockheed Martin performs, Winnipeg waits in on-deck area, Rochester warmup
9:03 Winnipeg performs, Rochester waits in on-deck area, Eau Claire Male warmup
9:15 Rochester performs, Eau Claire waits in on-deck area, Marshall warmup
9:27 Eau Claire performs, Marshall waits in on-deck area
9:39 Marshall performs

Eau Claire will have a special multimedia presentation (Prayer of the Children) at 9:27 - don't miss this one!

Don't forget the hospitality Room at the Best Western after the Recital - drop by for a quick visit before retiring for the evening.


Things haven't changed drastically since the last update - please check the previous update (4/10) for more information. Be sure to check out the Select Chorus info below.

Here is the schedule again.
7:30 to 8:15 - rolls and coffee served in the R/A facility

8:15 to 9:00 - Workshops - Movement will be in the R/A; MIDI Music will be in the Student Center Dome Lounge - look for the BLUE signs.

9:15 to 10:15 (or earlier) - Select Chorus -


Some of you noticed the words at the top of page 6, 1st measure, "last time only." I have found out how to proceed through this piece of music - finally! The first time you sing through the piece, when you get to the top of page six, the accompanist will play the first 1 1/2 beats in the first measure of page six, and then you hop down to the bottom staff on page six and sing, "Then up with the hunt...". DO NOT SING THE FIRST STAFF AND THE SECOND STAFF on Page 6 the first time you sing through the song all the way to page 8 (the D.S.). When you take the D.S. on page 8, you go back to page 3 (last measure) and sing both repeats (on page 5). Then when you get to page 6, sing the top and middle score, ending at the Fine. I hope that is clear - the rehearsal tape does not reflect this, so be aware of it. I hope it doesn't cause you too much re-learning. PLEASE get this info to your chorus members who are participating in the Select Chorus. Thanks to Bill Lundholm (Knights of Columbus) for pointing this out - he will be knighted at the Big Sing! He also sent along this side note: What do you call a person who hangs around with singers?
Answer: A director

9:15 to 10:45 - Sightreading Session - 150 packets - please share packet. There 2 Sightreading Guides in each packet for you and your partner to rate and make comments about each piece. ALL the sightreading music is in - packets are being put together.

10:45 to 11:15 - Break - make your way down the hall toward the All-Purpose room for a cool Schwann's frozen treat.

11:15 to 11:50 - The Statesmen from South Dakota State University directed by Charles Canaan will perform.


Men's Lunch - 12:00 to 1:00
Director's Lunch - 12:00 to 1:00
Ladies Luncheon - 12:30 to 2:30

1:15 to 3:30 - Big Sing Rehearsal - please be on time. We will meet in the old PE gym so that we can practice the march in.

The Choruses will march in in this order.
1. South St. Paul
2. Rochester
3. Staples
4. Jamestown
5. Lockheed Martin
6. Winnipeg
7. Clark County
8. Cold Spring
9. Knights of Columbus
10. Litchfield
11. Eau Claire
12. Blandin
13. 3M
14. Marshall

Solo Chorus Rehearsal

3:35 - 3:42 3M Male Chorus on left shell
3:43 - 3:50 Litchfield Male Chorus on right shell
3:51 - 3:58 Cold Spring Area Maennerchor on left shell
3:59 - 4:06 Eau Claire Male Chorus on right shell
4:07 -- 4:14 Blandin Male Chorus on left shell
4:15 - 4:22 Minneapolis Knights of Columbus Male Chorus on left shell
4:23 - 4:30 Marshall Area Men's Chorus on right shell

The right shell is the shell on your right as you are facing the crowd. This is the shell closest to the entrance door. The left shell is to your left when facing the crowd.

Big Sing

Line up in old PE gym at 7:00 P.M. - march in starts shortly after 7:30 P.M.


- begins right after the Big Sing concert - food will be served immediately upon entering the gym bars will be open.

Ticket Numbers

I am listing all the tickets purchased by each chorus. PLEASE check out your chorus to see if we have you down for the right amount - there must be some discrepancies. In the case of all meals, we must submit the numbers to the caterer by MONDAY MORNING, so if you have any changes, better get them to me by SUNDAY EVENING. Have people that are signed up, but not coming or eating??? Let us know BEFORE Monday so that we can credit your account. We cannot give any refunds after Monday, however, because we must guarantee the number we submit.

Men's Lunch - 30; Ladies Luncheon - 16; Dir Lunch - 2;
Adult Big Sing Ticket - 27; Children Big Sing ticket - 0
Afterglow with meal - 45; Afterglow without meal - 5

Men's Lunch - 19; Ladies Luncheon - 16; Dir Lunch - 2;
Adult Big Sing Ticket - 24; Children Big Sing ticket - 0
Afterglow with meal - 47; Afterglow without meal - 0

Clark County
Men's Lunch - 18; Ladies Luncheon - 10; Dir Lunch - 2;
Adult Big Sing Ticket - 18; Children Big Sing ticket - 0
Afterglow with meal - 24; Afterglow without meal - 16

Cold Spring
Men's Lunch - 27; Ladies Luncheon - 18; Dir Lunch - 2;
Adult Big Sing Ticket - 34; Children Big Sing ticket - 0
Afterglow with meal - 22; Afterglow without meal - 27

Eau Claire
Men's Lunch - 29; Ladies Luncheon - 16; Dir Lunch - 2;
Adult Big Sing Ticket - 19; Children Big Sing ticket - 0
Afterglow with meal - 61; Afterglow without meal - 0

Men's Lunch - 30; Ladies Luncheon - 1; Dir Lunch - 2;
Adult Big Sing Ticket - 2; Children Big Sing ticket - 1
Afterglow with meal - 35; Afterglow without meal - 0

Knights of Columbus
Men's Lunch - 20; Ladies Luncheon - 18; Dir Lunch - 2;
Adult Big Sing Ticket - 22; Children Big Sing ticket - 0
Afterglow with meal - 11; Afterglow without meal - 21

Men's Lunch - 33; Ladies Luncheon - 5; Dir Lunch - 2;
Adult Big Sing Ticket - 0; Children Big Sing ticket - 0
Afterglow with meal - 0; Afterglow without meal - 0

Lockheed Martin
Men's Lunch - 13; Ladies Luncheon - 5; Dir Lunch - 2;
Adult Big Sing Ticket - 12; Children Big Sing ticket - 1
Afterglow with meal - 19; Afterglow without meal - 1

Men's Lunch - 40; Ladies Luncheon - 19; Dir Lunch - 1;
Adult Big Sing Ticket - 20; Children Big Sing ticket - 0
Afterglow with meal - 50; Afterglow without meal - 0

South St. Paul
Men's Lunch - 15; Ladies Luncheon - 13; Dir Lunch - 1;
Adult Big Sing Ticket - 17; Children Big Sing ticket - 0
Afterglow with meal - 35; Afterglow without meal - 1

Men's Lunch - 10; Ladies Luncheon - 8; Dir Lunch - 4 (Why 4???);
Adult Big Sing Ticket - 12; Children Big Sing ticket - 0
Afterglow with meal - 34; Afterglow without meal - 0

Men's Lunch - 0; Ladies Luncheon - 16; Dir Lunch - 2;
Adult Big Sing Ticket - 16; Children Big Sing ticket - 0
Afterglow with meal - 47; Afterglow without meal - 0

Men's Lunch - 30; Ladies Luncheon - 24; Dir Lunch - 4;
Adult Big Sing Ticket - 0; Children Big Sing ticket - 0
Afterglow with meal - 68; Afterglow without meal - 7


Remember that each member will receive a very comprehensive information sheet with lots of Big Sing information, schedules, times and places, and important announcements. And don't forget to look at the BLUE signs to help you get around.'s all folks! This is the last Big Sing update. Any small items that come up next week, I will e-mail to the chorus contacts. (What will my weekends be like not sitting here at my computer doing Big Sing Updates??)

We're raring to go - we're going to have a great weekend - we are working hard to fill up the R/A facility and have a great crowd for you to perform before. We'll see everybody on Friday.

Thanks for helping me by providing me with all the necessary information I have needed over the past month. As usual, call or e-mail any questions or concerns.

Charles Carrera
Director, Marshall Area Men's Chorus
103 Marlene Street
Marshall, MN 56258

Telephone: 507-532-5086

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