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When watering flowers it is important that you dont get the plant too wet. If the plant is too wet it inreases the risk of deseases such as damp-off. To prevent damp-off you should have give the plant room and make sure that it is in a place where the air is moving slightly such as in a window sill. If the plant is too wet insects such as fungus knats or afids can show up which will eat the plant. If these things happen to a plant you can help it by letting the soil dry out slightly or re-potting the plant.

Letting the soil get too dry can also be harmful to the plant. If the plant gets too dry you should move it into a shady area and let it soak in water for awhile. Most plants will not use water very fast, so it is usually only nescessary to water them two or three times a day if they are outside.

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