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Okay Here is the know. I suck at HTML, BUT I still have a webring. Anyone can join, exept Anti- Sailor Moon ppl, well you can be Anti one of the Senshi, but not anti Saturn, and if you hate Mistress Nine, why the hell are you on this page in the first place?????? ANYWAY! Since I do nothing but go online, it is more than likely that you will be added to the ring, the day you sign up. NOW you may Sign Up.

CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE RING- it is vewy much appreciated



GET THE HTML CODEor just scroll down to the bottom of the page to see them, I have two logos. Any others you would like to submit would be much appreciated. I will make more logos soon!




Please make this ring grow!!!!!!!! ^-^

Last but not least, go explore the rest of tha page!!!!!! =)Arigatoo Minna-San!!!!!!!!!!!!


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or here is another one

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it will look like this::::::::

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ALRIGHT~~ Someone sent in a graphic!!!! The Following Graphic/code is by Crystal Rose/ Her Website Now The Fragment! It Looks Like This..

This Cult Of Mistress Nine site is owned by YOUR NAME HERE.
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Now Here Is The Code!!!!

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