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A Shrine To Holly

A Shrine to the kind and caring Holly!

Holly met Genki when trying to unlock a disk and getting him instead of a monster. Holly and Genki have a good relationship. They both care about each other alot and of course everyone else. Holly is just so kind and caring, it's hard not to like her!

When Holly was little her Father had to leave the town because he lost the election. She lived with the Mayor then and played with the monsters in the town. She terribly missed her Father though. When she was up at a cliff area the Mayor came up and saw all of the pebbles around there glowing. It was because of Holly's powers. When Holly was older she unlocked Suezo and a couple years after that, the tradgedy came. Naga and other baddies came and attacked the village. The Mayor gave Holly her father's stone and made her stay in a cellar area.(she calls the Mayor Grandfather, since she's close to him, but I just say Mayor in here. Just letting everyone know) After when Holly came out, all the monsters were turned Lost Disks. The town was destroyed. Holly found the Mayor, but he was dying. He told her of her mission, to find the Pheonix. Holly and Suezo then went on their way, to find the Pheonix, stop Moo, revive all the lost disks, and to turn all of the baddies back to goodies, all of that with the Pheonix.

Later on Moo finds out about Holly and he takes her away to his floating castle. He tells her who he really is(I won't say it for those who haven't seen the episode) and he asks Holly to join him. Holly just keeps screaming "No!" Genki and the others of course try to do what they can to save her. That's all I'll say about those episodes.

One episode I find amusing is the one with Horn and the Rockies. Horn is part Suezo, part Tiger, and the Rockies, part Suezo, part Golem. They come to the port town that Holly and the others are at, which is being attacked by Zuums. Horn shoots a cannon at the Zuums then comes to the town looking for something. Holly and the others ask if they can ride Horn's ship. When Horn sees Holly he starts singing and has hearts in his eyes. Which can only mean one thing, Love! He's in love with Holly! So, Horn says he'll challenge them and if they win they can ride on his boat and if they lose, he gets to keep Holly! Holly says that they have no choice. So Suezo is the one that is challenging Horn. They expect a battle but instead they are to play Old Maid! They play and both are doing well, untill Horn cheats by looking at Suezo's eye to see where the old maid is. Suezo discovers this and puts his cards down to be chosen. When Horn has two cards left, the Old Maid and some other card, Suezo chooses the other card, but Horn takes it away before he can. Then the Zuums attack and Horn just lets them come aboard. One problem, they all get aboard, except Golem, who is deathly afraid of water! They all cheer him on and he runs and jumps onto the boat. But on the boat he holds on to one of the large poles. Well, that is the summary for that episode. Reason I found it amusing is because of Horn being in love with Holly. Oh and the episdoe after that one, Holly kisses Horn on the side and he asks her to kiss the other side and Suezo gets all mad. ^_^

That's all for now, and you know that if you have any pics or info, that you can send them to me. Thanks!
