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Purple - YOU GOT IT

Violet or purple, is the color of royalty but rare in nature and perceived as artificial. Light purple or lavender is a fashion favorite while dark purple implies wealth. A combination of red and blue, purple is a color that has been associated with royalty since ancient Roman times. The color purple is symbolic of power, spiritual goals, passionate belief, visionary leadership, respect and wealth and has been worn by emperors, military commanders, and other high-ranking officials. It also has come to symbolize psychic ability, success, wisdom ,power, spiritual growth, and independence. Lavender has come to mean reverence and royalty. The word "purple" comes from the Greek porphura, a species of shellfish that yielded, through an elaborate process, the dye called Tyrian Purple. Very expensive to produce, it was reserved for special cloth and garments, such as those of kings. In Christianity, purple means penitence. In Hindu belief, purple is the color of the crown chakra. So ends the rainbow but other colors have meaning as well. You will find their meanings below.