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The English Language has not one but many forms. It is spoken with many different accents for example, British, American, Scottish, Jamaican, Nigerian, and Australian. The list is endless. People from different regions often use their own words with which other speakers of English may not be familiar. For instance someone from Namagunga might say "This thingi...."(Meaning this thing or something) and an outsider might be mystified as to the meaning.

What does this range and diversity of accent, vocabulary and usage mean? Does it mean that the English language is "in decay" "falling to bits"? Certainly not. We should see this range and diversity as part of the richness of English.

The English language has various sub divisions, literature inclusive. Literature is about the way people think, feel and communicate with each other. Therefore written literature demonstrates how diverse and how satisfying the range of spoken and written English can be. The English language is used for business, for education, news coverage, everyday communication, by writers of prose and poetry, drama and many other things. Therefore if we can only listen to these diverse voices, turning the English language to their own distinctive use we will surely understand the world and ourselves so much.


Ms. Irene Sewali