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Drama in Namagunga

Drama in Namagunga is not a subject but it is nevertheless a vital part of the school activities. Every term, the girls put up all kinds of drama productions ranging from singing and dancing to literature.

The school has several traditionally recognised drama productions like: the annual Environmental Awareness show, the Independence show, the Miss Wildlife contest, the Miss Independence contest, the YCS show, the annual Christmas Carol Service and others.

The most popular one is the 'YCS Climax Show.' During this show, the girls present very many songs and dances as part of an annual fundraising drive organised by a club called 'Young Christian Students'(YCS) to raise money for a project that looks after orphans and pays school fees for the poor children from the local community around the school.

Apart from the productions that are school traditions, the girls have put up plays as fundraising for school projects like the construction of a new library and a school chapel.

Last year, the girls produced a play:'The Marriage of Anansewa' that raised money for the new chapel .It was a great success !

The play was about a cunning widower who was;so poor that he decided to use his only daughter to raise money by promising her in marriage to three rich chiefs.

A problem arose when all three chiefs announced that they were coming to collect their bride at exactly the same time. There were three of them and only one bride ! On top of which he had already accepted gifts and large sums of money from all of them ! The widower,Ananse, had to find a way to select only one chief and not displease the others and also choose the best suitor , for he loved his child too much to send her into an unhappy marriage. Finally he made his daughter play dead .

One of the chiefs sent his messengers to say that since the girl, Anansewa, had not yet become his wife, he was denying any responsibility for her. Another chief informed Ananse that against their master's wishes, they had come to inform him that his daughter's death was timely, in that the chief's current wife was running wild at the cheif's palace and would have killed herself if he had remarried. Only one chief , Chief-who-is-Chief, accepted with sorrow the 'death' of his bride-to-be and sent all sorts of gifts and plenty of drink for the funeral and even a royal glass coffin for his beloved!

In this way Ananse selected the best suitor for his daughter, but she was still 'dead'! So after a great show of praying to the gods for mercy, and pouring a libation of the wine the chief had sent, his daughter 'rose ' from the 'dead' to marry her chief and live happily ever after, never to be poor again.

Rowena Musinguzi