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A Blessing to Take with You Through the day

 Get the most you can out of life.

Know: you're in the heart of a friend.

When it comes to making dreams come true,

the special part is to simply begin.


Realize its never too late for anything.

Each challenge is one you'll get through.

Be sure to choose the path you walk

instead of letting it choose you.


Find serenity in everyday living.

Envision the gift of this day.

When happiness comes to visit you,

encourage it to stay.

Realize: there's a very special someone

you can count on to be a friend.

Something people see when they look

at you is the beautiful person within.


Trust your heart to guide you.

Keep your soul beside you in everything.

Meet each day's test.

And know that you're wished

every success that life can bring.

- Douglas Pagels

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