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I'm just a little feller

Who didn't quite make it there,

I went straight to be with Jesus.

But I'm waiting for you here.


Don't you fret about me, Mommy,

I'm of all Gods lambs most blest.

I'd have loved to have stayed with you,

But the Shepherd knows whats best.

Many dwelling here where I live,

Waited years to enter in,

Struggled through a world of sorrow,

And their lives were marred with sin.


So sweet mommy, don't you sorrow

Wipe those tears and chase the gloom.

For I went straight to Jesus bosom,

From my lovely mothers womb.

Thank you for the life you gave me,

It was brief, but don't complain.

I have all of heavens glory,

Suffered none of earthling's pain.


Thank you for the name you gave me,

I'd have loved to brought it fame.

But if I'd linger in earth's shadows,

Might instead have brought it shame.


Daddy gave me something for you,

It's our secret, mommy dear,

Pressed it tight against my forehead,

Whispered in my tiny ear.


I'll be waiting for you mommy -

You and Daddy, Bud and Sis.

I'll be with you then forever-

Then I'll give you daddy's kiss.

J.C. Bromfield

 This beautiful poem is dictated to


Who is with God

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Dave & Brenda

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midi~Jesus Loves Me

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