To the Little Girl
Who Sits in Front
of Me in Church
How many Sundays
I have smiled to see
Your small gold head
three rows in front of me,
And how your soft smooth hair
curved out to seek
The most engaging dimple
in your cheek.
How many times,
the service incomplete,
Grown tired, you've turned
and knelt upon the seat
And stared across the back
of it at me
With childhood's
infinite solemnity!
Do you recall the day,
convention scorning,
I said to you, with silent lips,
"Good morning".
And how your wide,
unsmiling gaze grew more
than it had been before!
Alas, that guardian angels
should elect
To make so small
a maid so circumspect!
For two whole Sundays
I have hoped in vain
You would relent
and turn around again.
And then, today,
oh, grave enchanting child,
How suddenly and dazzlingly
you smiled!
- Sara Henderson Hay
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This wonderful art work "Make a Wish"
Is by Mary Baxter St. Clair
It can be found at Faerie Believers
You can learn to do Lake Applets at
The beautiful background
and graphics are from
The midi is "Jesus Loves Me"