HTML Basics
These are examples of some HTML code that you may want to use in your home page. These codes may be used:
Big Hint! Cut and Paste the top part of each sample right into your page (the textarea). It's easy. Try it! <center> This will center a region of text or images, etc. </center> <b> This will make a region of text bold </b> This will make a region of text bold <hr> draws a horizontal line <br> carriage return <i> italic letters </i> italic letters <p> new paragraph
<h1> Heading size 1 </h1> Heading size 1<h2> Heading size 2 </h2> Heading size 2<h3> Heading size 3 </h3> Heading size 3<font size="1">Font size 1 </font> Font size 1 <font size="2">Font size 2 </font> Font size 2 <font size="3">Font size 3 </font> Font size 3 <font size="4">Font size 4 </font> Font size 4 <font size="5">Font size 5 </font> Font size 5 <font color="blue">Blue Text </font> Blue Text <font color="red">Red Text </font> Red Text <font color="yellow">Yellow Text </font> Yellow Text These font codes will work with Netscape 3.0 and Internet Explorer 3.0 or greater.
<font face="Helvetica">Helvetica font
</font> <img src="angel5.gif" align=center> load an image with this text centered vertically to the middle of the image</img> load an image with this text centered vertically to the middle of the image
<a href="Monstervision.html"> create a link to another page on the same server</a> create a link to another page on the same server
<a href=""> create a link to another page on another server</a>
<a href="/index.html"> <img src="/images/home_s.gif"> </a>
<a href=""> <img src="/images/icons/mailbox.gif" border=0> </a> <blink> make text blink </blink> <pre> turn on fixed width font with preformatted text </pre> turn on fixed width font with preformatted text Unnumbered list <ul> <li> list item 1 <li> list item 2 </ul>
Numbered list <ol> <li> pc <li> mac </ol>
Nested list <ul> <li>list <ul> <li>nested <ul> <li>twice </ul> </ul> </ul>
<blockquote> This will quote a block of text as a separated paragraph like this, indented on both the left and right sides. You may also put other codes inside the blockquote as well, such as this bold, italicized link to point you to <b><i><a href=""> other HTML resources which you haven't found here.</a></i></b> </blockquote> This will quote a block of text as a separated paragraph like this, indented on both the left and right sides. You may also put other codes inside the blockquote as well, such as this bold, italicized link to point you to other HTML resources which you haven't found here.
Do not link directly to them if you don't have your webpage(s) at All Rights Reserved Return to Graphics Index Page