Monstervision's Joe Bob Looks At

Bad Day At Black Rock (1955)

(From Joe Bob's Ultimate B Movie Guide)
Race hatred was still a forbidden subject in the movies when this melodrama was made, but Spencer Tracy made it a classic in the role that many consider his greatest. As a one-armed man, Tracy arrives in a present-day bleak desert settlement, where he discovers that the town has a closely guarded old secret involving murder and vengeance. And the townspeople slowly realize that he just may know the victim who's disappeared, and be an investigator of some kind. It's a classic "everyone in town knows a horrible secret" movie. With one of the best casts ever assembled for any movie, and with incredible wide-screen Cinemascope photography to bring out the vastness of the desert, this film hurtles forward at a dizzying, suspenseful pace. With Robert Ryan, Anne Francis of Forbidden Planet, Ernest Borgnine of The Devil's Rain, Lee Marvin, John Ericson, Walter Brennan.  4 stars

© 2000 Joe Bob Briggs. All Rights Reserved. Not an AOL Time-Warner Company in this lifetime.

For this and more movie reviews by the artist formerly known as the host of MonsterVision, go to
Joe Bob

"Bad Day At Black Rock" is available on video and on DVD alone or as part of the Controversial Classics collection.

Fun fact:
Bad Day At Black Rock was used as an episode title of the TV-series "The A Team," and Knightrider has an episode titled "Good Day At White Rock."

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