10 Words

Please note the following rules. While you can't spend eternity with me in Heaven by good works or deeds alone, you will have a happier time on Earth if you print out this list and put it on your wall or door:

1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me (that includes worship of money).

2. Don't make idols.

3. Don't take the name of God in vain (profanity).

4. Six days you may labor, but the seventh day is the Sabbath and is holy. Do no work, nor your son or daughter, nor your servant, nor your beast of burden, nor even visitors in your house. If I can make the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rest on the seventh day, you should be able to do what is important to you the first six days of each week.

5. Honor thy father and mother.

6. Do not murder your fellow human beings.

7. Do not commit adultery (whether you are married or single).

8. Don't steal. That includes cheating your employer or even the tax collector. If you think an Internal Revenue audit is scary, you don't want to get on My bad side.

9. Do not bear false witness, under oath or not.

10. Do not covet your neighbor's house, spouse (see #7), servant, car, or anything else that is your neighbor's. If you want what you see over there, go out and earn it for yourself.

So that's it. Ten rules, each a single word in Hebrew. Every translator puts them in his own words, but you can look them up for yourself in my book (Exodus, chapter 20). If you don't have a copy of the Holy Bible go to a church, Bible bookstore, or online: Holy Bible in English or Nueva Version Internacional in Spanish.

If you violate one or more of the above rules, just go to a quiet place, tell me what you did, and ask forgiveness. That's it. Nothing fancy. I know what you did, you know what you did, just admit it and ask me to forgive your sins. You won't hear a bell in your head or see a flash, but you'll feel better and I'll feel better.

By the way, chapter 21 of Exodus has to do with rules concerning slaves. This was not written because I like slavery, but rather to put limits of some kind on it when it exists.
Also, I've noticed some confusion about rule #6. Apparently, translators for King James of England put "kill" instead of "murder." It is not a sin to kill a criminal. See Exodus 22:3 and 21:29 for examples of crimes that allow a death penalty. If your nation's laws allow you to defend yourself and your house with lethal force, you are not violating rule #6.

And stop misquoting me about money. I never said that money is the root of all evil. I said the love of money is the root of all evil, as it violates the very first rule above if you make money your god. Almost two-thirds of my son's parables had to do with money.

King James print-out version (black letters, white background)

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