
Jesus Christ, Superstar

movie poster
  1. Overture
  2. Heaven on Their Minds, or see YouTube clip
  3. What's the Buzz
  4. Strange Thing Mistifying
  5. Then We Are Decided
  6. Everything's Alright
  7. This Jesus Must Die
  8. Hosanna
  9. Simon Zealotes/Poor Jerusalem
  10. Pilate's Dream
  11. The Temple
  12. I Don't know How to Love Him
  13. Damned For All Time/Bloodmoney
  14. The Last Supper
  15. Gethsemane
  16. The Arrest
  17. Peter's Denial
  18. Pilate and Christ
  19. King Herod's Song (movie version)
  20. Could We Start Again Please
  21. Judas's Death
  22. Trial Before Pilate
  23. Superstar
  24. Crucifixion
  25. John 19:40

1973 Movie Cast:
Jesus: Ted Neeley
Judas: Carl Anderson
Mary: Yvonne Elliman
Caiaphas: Bob Bingham
Annas: Kurt Yaghjian
Simon: Larry Marshall
Pilate: Barry Dennen
Herod: Josh Mostel
Peter: Paul Thomas
Sorry, songs from “anna.comcor.ru” website in Russia appear to have been deleted
Midi versions of the songs are still available to hear online
A more current source for Jesus Christ, Superstar midis, including this Overture - RA!
103 minutes, rated G. Music in movie conducted by Andre Previn

Back to Jesus Christ, Superstar or Sci-fans.com

Or here to hear “Pilate’s Dream” (midi version)

Mel Gibson of Mad Max has a Passion for this stuff:
Passion of the Christ movie trailer

Lyrics above originally posted at: www.lyricsdepot.com/JESUS-CHRIST-SUPERSTAR/
