Twilight Zone-thon:
New Year's Marathon 2008/2009

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears, and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call…THE TWILIGHT ZONE.
Zonethon starts:
12/31/2008 08:00 AM  THE THIRTY FATHOM GRAVE    
12/31/2008 09:00 AM  MR. GARRITY AND THE GRAVES     
12/31/2008 09:30 AM  A WORLD OF HIS OWN    
12/31/2008 10:00 AM  NOTHING IN THE DARK     
12/31/2008 10:30 AM  THE FEAR    
12/31/2008 11:00 AM  HOCUS-POCUS AND FRISBY    
12/31/2008 11:30 AM  THE ARRIVAL    
12/31/2008 12:00 PM  DEATH'S HEAD REVISITED     
12/31/2008 12:30 PM  THE SHELTER     
12/31/2008 01:00 PM  THE HUNT    
12/31/2008 01:30 PM  THE 7TH IS MADE UP OF PHANTOMS    
12/31/2008 02:00 PM  QUEEN OF THE NILE     
12/31/2008 02:30 PM  NIGHT CALL     
12/31/2008 03:00 PM  MR. DINGLE, THE STRONG     
12/31/2008 03:30 PM  MR. BEVIS    
12/31/2008 04:00 PM  ONE FOR THE ANGELS    
12/31/2008 04:30 PM  THE LITTLE PEOPLE    
12/31/2008 05:00 PM  A HUNDRED YARDS OVER THE RIM     
12/31/2008 05:30 PM  THE OLD MAN IN THE CAVE    
12/31/2008 06:00 PM  LONG DISTANCE CALL     
12/31/2008 06:30 PM  LITTLE GIRL LOST    
12/31/2008 07:00 PM  THE ODYSSEY OF FLIGHT 33 (they're Lost)   
12/31/2008 07:30 PM  THE HITCH-HIKER    
12/31/2008 08:00 PM  EYE OF THE BEHOLDER    
12/31/2008 08:30 PM  WHERE IS EVERYBODY    
12/31/2008 09:30 PM  THE OBSOLETE MAN     
12/31/2008 10:00 PM  TO SERVE MAN    
12/31/2008 10:30 PM  THE MASKS    
12/31/2008 11:00 PM  THE INVADERS     
12/31/2008 11:30 PM  THE MIDNIGHT SUN    
12/31/2008 12:30 AM  A MOST UNUSUAL CAMERA     
12/31/2008 01:00 AM  I SHOT AN ARROW INTO THE AIR    
12/31/2008 01:30 AM  A KIND OF STOPWATCH    
12/31/2008 02:00 AM  THE RIP VAN WINKLE CAPER    
12/31/2008 02:30 AM  DEAD MAN'S SHOES     
12/31/2008 03:00 AM  IN THE PRAISE OF PIP    
12/31/2008 03:30 AM  WHAT'S IN THE BOX     
12/31/2008 04:00 AM  AND WHEN THE SKY WAS OPENED    
12/31/2008 04:30 AM  JESS-BELLE     
           05:00 AM (TBA, probably infomercials)
01/01/2009 06:00 AM  I DREAM OF GENIE     
01/01/2009 07:00 AM  TWENTY-TWO     
01/01/2009 07:30 AM  ONCE UPON A TIME     
01/01/2009 08:00 AM  BLACK LEATHER JACKETS     
01/01/2009 08:30 AM  NIGHTMARE AS A CHILD     
01/01/2009 09:00 AM  A THING ABOUT MACHINES     
01/01/2009 09:30 AM  A NICE PLACE TO VISIT     
01/01/2009 10:00 AM  THE SILENCE     
01/01/2009 10:30 AM  ESCAPE CLAUSE     
01/01/2009 11:00 AM  MIRROR IMAGE     
01/01/2009 11:30 AM  TWO     
01/01/2009 12:00 PM  THE CHANGING OF THE GUARD     
01/01/2009 12:30 PM  MR. DENTON ON DOOMSDAY     
01/01/2009 01:00 PM  WALKING DISTANCE     
01/01/2009 01:30 PM  THE LAST FLIGHT     
01/01/2009 02:00 PM  PEOPLE ARE ALIKE ALL OVER     
01/01/2009 02:30 PM  THE GRAVE     
01/01/2009 03:00 PM  NIGHT OF THE MEEK     
01/01/2009 03:30 PM  A GAME OF POOL     
01/01/2009 04:00 PM  NICK OF TIME     
01/01/2009 05:00 PM  STOPOVER IN A QUIET TOWN     
01/01/2009 05:30 PM  THE BEWITCHIN' POOL     
01/01/2009 06:00 PM  PROBE 7 OVER AND OUT     
01/01/2009 06:30 PM  THE DUMMY     
01/01/2009 07:00 PM  THE HOWLING MAN     
01/01/2009 07:30 PM  I SING THE BODY ELECTRIC by Ray Bradbury  
01/01/2009 08:00 PM  TIME ENOUGH AT LAST     
01/01/2009 08:30 PM  LIVING DOLL     
01/01/2009 09:30 PM  KICK THE CAN     
01/01/2009 10:00 PM  NIGHTMARE AT 20,000 FEET     
01/01/2009 10:30 PM  THIRD FROM THE SUN     
01/01/2009 11:00 PM  A STOP AT WILLOUGHBY     
01/01/2009 11:30 PM  IT'S A GOOD LIFE     
01/01/2009 12:00 AM  A PENNY FOR YOUR THOUGHTS     
01/01/2009 12:30 AM  THE AFTER HOURS     
01/01/2009 01:00 AM  THE LONELY     
01/01/2009 01:30 AM  EXECUTION     
01/01/2009 02:00 AM  I AM THE NIGHT - COLOR ME BLACK     
01/01/2009 02:30 AM  THE MIGHTY CASEY     
01/01/2009 03:00 AM  THE JEOPARDY ROOM     
01/01/2009 03:30 AM  THE FOUR OF US ARE DYING     
01/01/2009 04:00 AM  THE MIRROR     
01/01/2009 04:30 AM  NO TIME LIKE THE PAST 
05:00 AM (infomercials, then regular programming resumes @ 9am)

The Twilight Zone series of 156 episodes originally aired in 25-minute formats (50 minutes in Season Four) over five seasons from 1959 to 1964. Series creator Rod Serling wrote over half of the scripts.
Characters portrayed people caught in unusual circumstances where fantasy intrudes into reality or moral or ethical decisions come into question. There is always something to think about after the episode ends. A simple message runs through the series: that only by reaching out to others and trusting in their common humanity can people overcome fear, alienation, and despair. Giving in to fear means total loss; only through imagination, beauty, and our relationships with others can we transcend the darkness.

By today's standards, The Twilight Zone may appear dated or perhaps even heavy-handed to some viewers. There is no doubt television arts have developed considerably since Rod Serling and his crew created The Twilight Zone some forty years ago. Compared with today's color video with its seemingly unlimited possibilities for digital special effects, black and white film is a completely different, almost rustic, medium. As for content, today's primetime TV fiction features more situation comedy, serial drama, and suspense than analysis of moral and ethical dilemmas.

Although derived from and set in a different era, The Twilight Zone still captivates. Its twisting plots, interesting characters, surreal settings, and existential questions endure, as those of classics will. Young audiences who look beyond the surface, who suspend their techno-sophistication and allow themselves to explore the fifth dimension that Rod Serling drew upon, will find rich reward for their efforts.
The SCIFI Channel
12/31/2007 Last Year's marathon (2007/2008)
Previous July 4th marathon (2008)
Global Flight 33 is Lost

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