The Monkees

Episode Title List


1. Royal Flush
2. Monkee See, Monkee Die
3. Monkee vs. Machine
4. Your Friendly Neighborhood Kidnappers
5. The Spy Who Came in From the Cool
6. Success Story
7. Monkees in a Ghost Town
8. Gift Horse
9. The Chaperon
10. The Monkees
11. Monkees a'La Carte
12. I've Got a Little Song Here
13. One Man Shy
14. Dance, Monkees, Dance
15. Too Many Girls
16. Son of a Gypsy
17. Case of the Missing Monkee
18. I Was a Teenage Monster
19. Find the Monkees
20. Monkees in the Ring
21. The Prince and the Paupers
22. Monkees at the Circus
23. Captain Crocodile
24. Monkees a'La Mode
25. Alias Micky Dolenz
26. Monkees Chow Mein
27. Monkee Mother
28. Monkees on the Line
29. Monkees Get Out More Dirt
30. Monkees Manhattan Style
31. Monkees at the Movies
32. Monkees on Tour


33. A Nice Place to Visit
34. The Picture Frame
35. Everywhere a Sheik, Sheik
36. Monkee Mayor
37. Art for Monkees' Sake
38. 99 Pound Weakling
39. Hillbilly Honeymoon
40. Monkees Marooned
41. The Card Carrying Red Shoes
42. Wild Monkees
43. A Coffin Too Frequent
44. Hitting the High Seas
45. Monkees in Texas
46. Monkees on the Wheel
47. The Christmas Show
48. Fairy Tale
49. Monkees Watch Their Feet
50. Monstrous Monkee Mash
51. Monkees Paw
52. The Devil and Peter Tork
53. Monkees Race Again
54. Monkees in Paris
55. Monkees Mind Their Manor
56. Some Like it Lukewarm
57. Monkees Blow Their Minds
58. Magecogeo
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