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TV and Movie page

This page is devoted to Sliders, starring Jerry O'Connell, previously known as the fat kid in Stephen King's movie Stand By Me (based on his story The Body), then star of the bubble-gum crowd's favorite tv series My Secret Identity, and subject of Sliders books & videos.
His first movie as an adult was "Joe's Apartment" (1996), based on a previous short he did for MTV about a guy sharing his apartment with hundreds of singing cockroaches Monstervision review & host segments are available for Joe's Apartment.
Sci-Fi channel episodes at the 7am EST / Pacific unless noted:
Current Sliders broadcast schedule
     Previous Sci-Fi Channel broadcasts 1999-2003
     Previous Sci-Fi Channel broadcasts to this year

Just for the Heck of it, here's the series description from The Scifi channel's website in Spanish:
La nueva serie de los alucinantes Sábados de Sci-Fi, el canal dentro del canal de USA. Cuando hablamos de Ciencia Ficción, siempre nos preguntamos ...¿Que Pasaría sí...? Y eso es justamente lo que este grupo de jóvenes encabezados por Jerry O'Connell como Quinn Mallory y Sabrina Lloyd como Wade Wells hacen diariamente con la ayuda de un científico amigo, Maximillian Arturo interpretado por John Rhys-Daires y su inusual invento.

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Sliders episode titles list, by season, with Sliders themesong/narration

Previous episodes on the Sci-Fi channel

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