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Happy Anniversary, guys.

Justin Timberlake, Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone, Lance Bass, JC Chasez

Today, October 22, marks the 10th anniversary of *NSYNC's first show together at Pleasure Island in Orlando. I've been sitting here trying to express how I feel, and I couldn't at first. It should be simple - I've never been as invested in anything as much as this group over the last eight years. Yet, I can tell you hundreds of stories, describe the things I've seen and done, but it's impossible for me to really and truly express how much they've meant to me.

Then I realized I don't have to say lot...because I'd already found the right words:


You may have read this before. Originally for a composition class, I wrote an essay that captures perfectly how much of an impact they've had on my life. The only thing I need to do now is express how much they still mean to me. Their invidual projects are few and far between, their appearances sporadic at best, and their future uncertain. They've grown and I've changed as well, but despite all this I can honestly say that I still love *NSYNC. Especially during this hiatus, when a 150 billion different forces would have me believe that "it's over" and I should move on, today I'm reminded of every reason why those guys and this fandom have meant so much to me, and why I'm still here.

Each of the guys are amazing individuals - unique and talented in their own right. But this is one of the cases where I believe the sum is much greater than that of its parts. Nothing compares to the magic they have when they're together. The friendship and love shines through in everything they do, but moreso when they're performing. When they sing's indescribable. I can recall a handful of times I was left feeling absolutely breathless. I'm truly blessed to have witnessed that chemistry...

And I believe I'll experience it again. I may live more of my life between now and then, but when the day finally comes, "I'll be back for more." It's crazy how one group was the catalyst for infinite memories, friendships, and experiences that have shaped my life in ways I never expected. The adventures for me are fewer and far between these days, but no other band/artist has done that for me before and since...and I don't think anyone ever will.

Congratulations *NSYNC on 10 years of music and memories, and thank you for letting me tag along on this incredible journey. It means more than you'll ever know.

P.S. I wanted to include everyone else's personal pictures and stories, but there wasn't time. As I said, we've all grown and moved on in lots of ways. In retrospect, we have really supported these guys over the years. This is apparent in the amount of time we invested here at EF, where I've resided for almost five years. Take a look around. We haven't updated in a long while, but it remains a testament to the love we editors, past and present, had/have for *NSYNC. -OJC!®

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