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Can you believe it? Justin Timberlake's EVERYWHERE?!? And now he's still being all bitch on us cause he won't go back to *NSYNC, whom without he'd be NOTHING. Well, here's a little parody just to remind us of how things were and how they are now.
Oh, yeah. I'm BA-A-A-A-CK!!

Do you have the time
To listen to teenies whine
About Nsync and Justin
Breaking up
They are those
Melodramatic fools
Obsessive to the bone
No doubt about it

Sometimes Cameron gives me the creeps
Somestimes Chris plays tricks on me
Joey's family's adding up
JC is cracking up
Is he just paranoid
Or is he stoned?

BexXx went to a shrink
To analyze her dreams
He said its lack of Nsync
That bringing her down
We got Lance a whore
She said he was a bore
And quit whining about JRT
Cause it's bringing us down

Sometimes Steve gave me the creeps
I hate it when JC plays tricks on me
Justin's checks keep adding up
I can't believe they're broken up
Are we all paranoid?
Or are we stoned?

Johnny's in control
So they better hold on

Sometimes Steve gave me the creeps
I hate it when JC plays tricks on me
Justin's checks keep adding up
I can't believe they're broken up
Are we all paranoid?
Or are we stoned?

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