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Hella Broke

I (Allison) have written a parody, it pretty much chronicles Liv and Tabz's existance of *NSYNC buying. To the tune of No Doubt's "Hella Good."

*NSYNC keeps coming up with merch for some reason
But the cash flow isn't what it used to be
I don't need another action figure
'Cause believe me, Buddy, the Merry Men are enough

*NSYNC got me feeling hella broke
But Liv and Tabz keep on buying
We buy their crap like we should
So they'll just keep on singing

All your performances deserve a standing ovation
But who would have thought there would be fruit snacks
Please wake me up, I must be dreaming
Volume 10 photo cards, just give it up

*NSYNC got me feeling hella broke
But Liv and Tabz keep on buying
We buy their crap like we should
So they'll just keep on singing
*NSYNC got me feeling hella broke
But Liv and Tabz keep on buying
We buy their crap like we should
So they'll just keep on singing

Ooh cha-ching
Ooh cha-ching

*NSYNC got me feeling hella broke
But Liv and Tabz keep on buying
We buy their crap like we should
So they'll just keep on singing
*NSYNC got me feeling hella broke
But Liv and Tabz keep on buying
We buy their crap like we should
So they'll just keep on singing

Keep on buying
Keep on buying

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