Throwing up sucks.
I really really like Destiny's Child. They are fun. And "Emotion" from their new CD is really pretty, except when Beyonce like screams.
I like doing early 90's dances. They are alot of fun. I'm great at the cabbage patch, the running man, and the Rodger Rabbit. I can do them at a moments notice. I rock like that.
Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce sois/Voulez vous coucher avec moi? I was just wondering, think about it, then get back to me. I'm willing to wait for an answer.
Sometimes I close my eyes and see old men eating corn on the cob. I like corn on the cob. It's a fun summer food.
Watermelon is good to, but I often think that it should be clear, cause water is clear. That's what I think.
Sometimes songs can explain exactly how you feel. Why isn't there a song that says, "you looked me over two years ago, but i'm still here waiting for you, even though you like one of my good friends, but ill listen to you complain about how much you like her cause i'm a great person but you're still looking over me, but i'll still wait cause i'm an asshole and i'm willing to wait for you even though it'll never happen?" I'm really waiting for that song to be written. I'll buy the single and the CD, cause that person will rock.
i'm a great person.
yo soy candela. i don't know what that means, but it's the lyrics to this song that i really like. i couldn't find the lyrics to it the other night. i have them now.
denny's is a rawking place.
lucky has a house in mission beach and we drink malibu there. lucky and i think that is really funny, but i think that only lucky and i would ever think that is funny.
i am a slow ocavez, right amanda. HAHAHAHA...oh if anyone has the MP3 of "Let's Do It For Love," by Amber. I think I will marry you if you send it to
i don't speak any polish, except for, give me a kiss. i can't type that though. i want to learn polish, i'm polish. i'm a proud pole. not a pollack, that's a mean term for my people.
i used to be a hippie named betty bong. but i in no way promote drug use in any way, shape, or form. *falls on ground laughing ass off*
college is like three months away and i'm moving away. my mother tells me that i dont have to worry about having a crazy roommate because i am the crazy roommate. how mean is that...?
i'm getting married on sunday, may 27, 2001. at carteret high school all are welcome to come.
i'm graduating in less than a month (june 22, 2001), send cards and gifts. lol.
i'm a greedy bitch. at least i can admit it.
i'm also heartless, unless you can prove to me that you deserve my love.
i spy with my little eye....
steve fatone's new nick name, is Magma Man.
i'm going to flashdance after my wedding tomorrow.
i have rock star hair.
so you want to be a temple owl? hoot hoot :)
i wanna be bad with Joshua Scott Chasez, baby.
it's a little after midnight, and i'm dead tired, what the hell is wrong with me?
JC makes bad feel so good.
Innosense is defunct. They sucked.
I am Amanda Latona. HAHA !! Willa Ford is my best friend.
WillaFord have another recall this summer?
I barely have time to eat my cherry pie.
Cake is good.
I'm tired. Imma missoutPEACE on something probably. Oh well.
PEACE !!!!!!!!!!