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Why I Hate NSYNC

Note from Brittany, added 11.18.00 - STOP EMAILING TABZ ABOUT THIS. UGH. FINE. Write ME: PEACE.

This is being written by Brittany, the creator of this site.

Note from Tabz: Don't email me about this, I knew nothing about it until ya'll did. Everybody's Free isn't going anywhere. Out of respect for Brit, who I very much adore, I'm gonna keep my opinions on this to myself. That's all I'm sayin...

I want to start by saying this did not happen overnight. I have NOT been an NSYNC fan since May, but I tried to stay one. I hven't watched any TV of them, kept up on news, nothing. I was writing for the site once a month, but mostly Tabz and Mary kept you updated. It hasn't been an interest to me for awhile. So don't think "Where did this come from?!?". It's been building up. And, it was not anything personal. I just started seeing things how they are, and not how I wanted to see them.

No matter how hard I try to push them out, NSYNC will always be a part of my life. Forever. I met my two best friends because of NSYNC. If not for them, I never would’ve gone to Hawaii, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, Orlando, Chicago, Mississippi, and more. Because of NSYNC I travelled 39 states. I’ve made countless friends because of them. They helped me have something to occupy my life when I was at a really bad time two years ago. So, as much as I now want nothing to do with them, I’d like to thank them for those things.

The problem is, there really is no such thing as NSYNC. The group of guys we know collectively as the group is just an image, a dream. Southern gentlemen Lance, Happy go lucky Joey, adorable Justin, funny guy Chris, sleepy JC. They just aren’t real. It’s a facade invented by the record company masterminds to do one thing. Make money. Lots of it. To sell records, dolls, chairs, calendars, shirts. You name it, it’s marketable. While the boys sit at home living it up, you stand in line to buy just one more pack of the 7th edition photo cards in hopes to complete the set. If it was all about the music, that’s all they’d sell: MUSIC.

The boys never asked to be role models. But, if that’s not what they wanted, then why live behind this image? Think about it, they say it’s about the music, but if that was the case Lance would tell us in interviews about his alcoholism, Joey would talk about the hot girl he picked up the night before, Justin wouldn’t have denied his relationship with Britney all this time.

I refuse to live my life any longer worrying about NSYNC. What city they’re in. Who they’re dating. What they wore last night. Why bother. To them I’m just another dollar bill. They say they care about their fans, yet are too good anymore to say “Hi” when a fan gets excited to see them. Isn’t this what you boys wanted? Now that they have it, they run into a hotel with their head down, or fabricating a cell phone conversation in hopes to not have to acknowledge the people that gave them everything they have today.

I just don’t feel that they should be held on a pedastool. What makes them so much better than the rest of us? I can’t use a hotel elevator because one of them is in it. I can’t sit in a certain part of a restaurant because they are there. My friend couldn’t talk to them while seatfilling at an award show, unless they initiated a conversation first. Fuck that. We all breathe the same air, we are all human. I refuse to put anymore of my time, emotion, money, or thoughts into this group.

To everyone that is going to say I’m jealous, or bitter. I’m telling you now that you’re wrong. I just happened to jump back into reality. You should join me sometime, it’s a nice place.


PS. To Steve Fatone: *I want to add first, that Steve did not do anything to me personally. I just stopped seeing him the way I wanted to see him, and started seeing him how he is*

Steve, You are a worthless, leeching, piece of shit. I HATE YOU. Steve, you are NOT famous. When the girls wake up in the morning, they aren't telling their friends about the "great guy Steve they met" they're telling them they fucked Joey's brother. Even worse, is that you KNOW this and still hook it up. Worthless.

As a matter of fact, email him right now and tell him what a FATone clingon, mooching brother, making fun of the fans when he himself is worthless, piece of unborn shit he is.

Email him. Tell him I sent you, I don't give a fuck. I HATE STEVE, and I HATE NSYNC


I will no longer, as of November 15th 2000 be updating this website. It's been a good year and 7 months. I met a lot of cool people. If the other girls want to update, that's fine. I leave the site to them. Thanks for hearing me out, and I'd like to thank each and every one of you that's visited and enjoyed the site, I really enjoyed making it.

*Clarification* - I have received more mail than you can imagine on this, and everyone thinks my entire resoning was because NSYNC did not live up to their image.

NO. That is NOT it. I am glad they ARE real people and not the clone dressing goody fools Lou had them be. The reason I am done, is because it makes me naseous to see them idolized by the same people they ignore, don't appreciate, and lie to the faces of. Their fans.

Am I still a fan of the music? YES. I just don't respect them anymore.

I have removed my email address, because I have no desire to reply to anything NSYNC related. PLEASE do not harass the other editors for my email. Thank You.

Note from Tabz: Ya'll don't listen. I've received a half a ton of email concerning this and I gotta say stop. I don't have her email address anymore. I'm moving the work I did back to the website I had, and if ya wanna know when we open that back up, the best I can say is, join the list below. I'm sorry guys, but I know less about this than most of you. However Everybody's Free is not my site, and not mine to do with as I please. If you wanna know the only things I know about, once again, join the list and I'll keep ya up on what's going on with me and my site. That's all the info I have. Luv Tabz.