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Chris is HOTT!!! What?!?!?

Are y'all as surprised as we were?

Before and After: Ok ya see what I am talking about, here is an example of ewww..NOT! And the new yum-may HOTT!

Brit and I (Amy "dolla billz") were having another one of our infamous IM convos, and to our shock and amazement we were both drooling over Chris????? I mean, come on's Chris!!! CrAzY Chris, Old Man Scuz, Scuzzers...remember him?!?! Well, we decided that we can not refer to his HOTT ass like that ever we tossed around a few new nicknames for the ALL NEW, ALL IMPROVED, DREAD-FREE Chris. We will now be refering to him as Sophisto Christo (short for sophistocated Christopher). We may not know too much here at Everybody's Free, but what we DO know is that our Sophisto Christo is a HOTT HOTT HOTTIE!!! Who knew?!?! I mean, Brit and I always agreed that Euro Chris was much better then the Chris America saw...but WOW...GOD BLESS AMERICA!! And just so you don't think we are going off the deep end, I can assure you that Brit still carries Lance in her Pocket and I will keep on tryin to convince her that Justin is "da bomb" (unsuccessfully of course)....but Christopher hit us out of nowhere, and we couldn't let it go unsaid. Bottom line people...Sophisto Christo is HOTT...give the boy the mad props that he deserves!!!

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