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Nsync In Prison?

It's another peaceful Sunday at the Florida State penitentiary.....(written by me, Nina :)... I Nina have relocated myself to: come visit me!

JC: Damn yo.. where could Jayrome be?!?! he should be delivering my crack by...

(JC shakes head and shudders spastically)


(JC screams emphatically)

Lance: Isn't it fantastic they let us all share a cell??? Man that's fatastic!

(Justin takes Lance by the throat and smashes him up against the wall)

Justin: Damn you be homo you flamin' Mississippi bitch! Ah would give up mah beautiful right nut to not have to be stuck up in here with ya'lls.. dag this ain't my place word!!

Chris: Heehee check me out guys! I'm in the toilet! I'm in the toilet!!

(Joey stirs on the bed all flopped out)

Joey: Crap did I miss feeding time again what the hell can't you guys like wake me up?!?!

(Joeys rolls out of the top bunk and attacks Chris' plate of food savagely)

Chris: Aww hell no, that was my liver!!!!!! Joey you need to step up man... you're all kinds of toe up! Whackin' outta your league! Playin with the werronngg set a dice!!! Messin wi...

JC: Man shut up.

Joey: I agree damn... Hey Lance you're lookin ready for somethin.

Lance: Oh you! Heehee c'mon Joey, could you escort me to the shower room?

(Lance winks at Joey and giggles)

Justin: That be all types a whack you best be jus kiddin' Lance.. I don wanna have to beat you down again yo.

JC: I gotta agree with him on this one, *JC shudders and his right eye spasms* Damnit I need my CRACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.... Cause ya know when we get out of here.. we'll be back in the entertainment industry, and nobody's gonna want you to have turned gay in prison.....

Lance: Prison's a good excuse though right?

(Evreryone turns to stare at Lance)

Lance: Nevermind, I'll get someone else to escort me.

Joey: Phat

JC: Good

Chris: Crrrraazzzyyyy... heh even here in prison.. im crrraazzyyy Chris!!

Justin: Don't fo-get mah gin dawg.. and if AH don't git some Pert Plus soon mah fro is gonna be unsavable knowhatimsayin Lance diggity dawg?

Lance: I sure do! You wanna escort me to the shower room?

Justin: HELLZ NO I don't swing that way biaattchhh!

Lance: Alright bye then... I'll be back soon! Hee hee not too soon if I can help it.

JC: Just go man, we're not gonna try and stop you damn.

(Lance whimpers and exits greeting his large friend bubba)

Chris: Can you believe him? He gets weirder everyday... I mean sure, I'm crazy but damn he's got a screw loose.. Maybe I could help him since I have so much psychological training!

(Looks around to see Joey passed out lying on a large open and empty book, JC in the corner with the rest of his books ceckling, and Justin trying to get a comb out of his hair)

Justin: Whatev.. damn man AH told you check dis shii out gawtdamn! It be stuck.. damn I don't need Pert Plus, this calls fo the big guns... Herbal Hessences. Dag heezy it smells good thow know?

(Justin looks around to see Joey napping on a large square object that will further his back problems, JC in the corner with some books have an apparantly awesome time reading)

Justin: Hey yo JC can I borrow one a dem when you be done?

(And Cris sobbing)

JC: Wooorrrdd this book is gooooood.

(JC looks around and sees Joey getting up with large claws ready to attack Justin, JC giggles and looks over at Chris the statue...)

JC: Lmao we have a Chris statue?!?! Lmao!! Rock on!!

(JC looks to Justin and sees a large bush growing out of his head)

JC: Man what the shit is that?

(Joey dreams about escorting Lance to the shower and wakes up in a cold sweat screaming)

Joey: GooAHHHHHHHHHHHHH Helppppp get him off my lleeeggggggggg!!!

(Lance runs in the cell chipper with delight and slaps Joey extremely hard... Looking around he sees JC with a beautiful hawiian lay around his neck dancing with a good book, Chris surrounded by scarlet rose petals, crying with laughter, and Justin with two devil horns buring. Looking back at Joey he coos)

Lance: I have the best friends! Yay for them! And yay for prison showers!

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