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Top Ten Signs You're Being Stalked by Chris

*shudders* Stalkers are bad...VERY bad. *shudder again* This is courtesy of Kate & Brit.

Alrighty, here's the Top 10 signs that Chris is your stalker:

10. Gwen Stefani pictures show up on your walls.

9.There's single dredlocks spread around your house.

8.A girl named 'Danielle' shows up on your caller ID.

7.There's ridalin in the medicine cabinet.

6.You find 'little presents' everywhere, and you have fish.

5.All of your Backstreet Boys related stuff has been destroyed, and it wasn't your fault.

4.There's Fuman & Fubu in your closet.

3. All of your framed pictures have been replaced with ones of a little pug.

2. Since when have you owned a Jackson 5 record?

And the #1 sign Chris is stalking you is...
1.Who is Ron Irizarry & why does he keep calling?

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