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Top Ten Signs You're Being Stalked By Joey

When I watch the news and see stories about stalkers, I noticed that most of them are...well, FAT. Coincidence...nope. This is courtesy of Nina.

You know Joey is stalking you when:

10. You KNOW that when you went to sleep you were wearing pajamas.

9. You've never owned so many cameras.

8. Suddenly your standards have hit rock bottom.

7. Matching his and her super capes.

6. Your bed is squeaking a whole lot louder these days.

5. Hair dye...gallons of hair dye.

4. The doctor's won't quit calling about an unknown burning sensation.

3. You like Steve Fatone...alot.

2. Sudden weight gain in your favor eh?

And the number one sign youre being stalked by Joey Fatone...
1. Twinkies, are a food group.

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