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What's Our Age Again?

Ok, so BSB has Larger than Life...a dedication to their fans (boring!)...BUT..*N SYNC has Brit doing a collabo with Blink 182 on this dedication from us older fans to the boys that make us twenty-boppers!

We think of them
All through the day and night
We dream of Lance
In ways that just ain't right

We try to figure out
We watch them as they dance
And record all that's on TV

And that's about the time it finally hit me
We shouldn't like them in our twen-ties
Yet we still watch all of their TV shows
I even like the BSB
Our friends say we should act our age
What's our age again? What's our age again?

They turn us on
A lot and then some
We think of them
"Girl are you alone?"

We really try to stop
Put all our stuff for sale
But then we buy a TigerBeat

And that's about the time the teenies said to me
Nobody likes them in their twen-ties
But we'll support them when their stardom falls
Where the hell the tennies be?
They say that we should act our age
What's our age again? What's our age again?

And that's about the time I said listen to me
So what we still like them in our twen-ties
And although you may be in freshman year
We can chase them cross-country
Don't say that we should act our age
What's our age again? (What's our age again?)

That's about the time this chick agreed with me
Us older ones might even get Justy
A nigt with Joey that will have much love
He asked will you go down on me?
Wouldn't happen if we were your age
What's our age again? What's our age again?

What's our age again?

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