Ok, for starters, you are going to have to listen to me complain.. lol..
Here are some things that sucked:
We had to wait in line for 3 and a half hours because we were in the wrong line for the first 2.
It was freaking raining
The chick in front of us thought she was cool because she had been to "3 Backstreet Boys concerts, and she ACTUALLY TALKED to a SECURITY guard !!!!!!" (Keep in mind, NOT a bodyguard of the BSB, a SECURITY guard of the venue.) Wow.. is she cool or what?
OH, everybody, on January 25th, buy the new CD by the LOX. LMAO.. these guys were parading up and down the street promoting that with huge signs, it was pretty funny.
ATTENTION SCALPERS: No one wants to get rid of their tickets, if they wanted to, hey would NOT be in line. Jackasses.
This didn't suck.. it was good. We ended up buying AMA T-shirts off a bootleg T-Shirt guy for $10 instead of the $30 they cost inside the venue. YAY. We only wanted them because they had this tiny ghetto picture of the guys that was crappy and blurry on the back.
Random Comment: We saw Teck (Real World Hawaii) he walked past us in a baby blue suit. Cute. His hair isn't blonde anymore.
We really weren't all that far back. NSYNC was on the crowds right in the front, (on the bottom right hand corner of the TV screen) and we were DIRECTLY behind them, about 30 rows back on the floor. Yep, we had a pretty crunk view of the back of their heads all night. Which is what makes this story so funny... you'll see what I mean after I write about the NSYNC performance, READ ON!!!
Before the guys performed, they had to set the stage up. So, Norm MacDonald is running his mouth about something, and we glance up and see 3 of the puppets appear out of nowhere behind the curtain. We first noticed the freaking jTr necklace, and then we realize it's FATone and JC. OMG.. we were laughing so hard, it was unbelievable. There are people presenting, and all we could see was the hands of the Joey and Justin puppets moving up and down, up and down. (Just the heads and the hands stuck up over the top of the curtain) It was a TOTAL Back Dat Azz Up movement. Heheh.. Val and I were dying. Keep in mind, you can't see this on your TV, but we had to watch those 3 puppets for like 10 minutes.. we couldn't see the other guys though, just JC, Joey and Justin.
Our take on the whole "puppet thing" during the performance was that it was kinda gay. It was funny, but I thought unecessary.. I dunno. The performance of Bye Bye Bye was great though. I LOVED the new dance moves. And one part that kinda has me mad because they didn't show it on TV was that when they did the new move where FATone had JC under the arms and like threw him (Lance was doing the same to Chris) well, when FATone did it to JC he went FLYING. I mean like a catapult.. ZOOOOOM across the stage, I thought he would fall off but he didn't. Hhehe.. It just kind of upset us that now we have to learn a whole new dance. OH oh oh, MAD PROPS on the fact that they didn't do the traditional "Justin in blue, Joey in red, Lance in Green, etc..." The guys looked so good in those outfits. WOW.
Comment from Val, my resident JC lover as I type this: JC looked HOT the whole performance.
Comment from me: I personally only watched Joey and he looked so skinny, was I the only one that noticed that? All the guys looked great though, it was a really good performance.. one of the best I've seen in awhile.
Another thing that you can see on TV, did you all notice at the end that Chris and Cracknuts jump up and grab the legs of their dancers? It's weird..
After their performance, the guys didn't come from backstage for awhile, so they weren't in their seats.. don't even try to look for them on your TV.
I want to say Britney's outfit was retarted.
NOW, onto the funny things the guys did...
OK, during Eminem and Dre. (This was when they first came back out to their seats) Justin had his head and one arm (his right one.. lol, yeah, I know which arm it was) bobbing perfectly with the music. He knew ALL the words, because he kept looking at FATone and singing certain lines to him. (I don't know why) Val and I were DYING.. we weren't even watching Eminem.. we were just watching this big afro bouncing in time to the music, and watching the WHOLE Ruff Ryders crew, and all of Dre's people, Juvenile etc standing up and dancing after the ANAL DICK CLARK had instructed everyone DO NOT STAND just WATCH THE ARTIST. That was pretty funny too.
SIDE NOTE: when they showed them on TV, I know Lance was next to Joey, not Justin... well, the guys kept changing seats all night, another thing they did that I don't know why they did it.
So anyway, after the Eminem performance, J-Dawg was the FIRST one to jump up and he starts pumping his fist and clapping. It was classic humor to watch our little ghetto bastard in action.
During the Beck performance, which sucked... JC was being SUCH a spaz. OMG. It was so scary, he was rocking out like it was the best thing he'd ever seen in his life. We pretty much spent this whole performance watching him, it was hilarious !! Then, if you didn't notice, one of the guitar players had a Superman cape on.. well, he was running around the crowd and he stopped in front of Joey. Justin points at the cape, turns to Joe, points at him.. and they both started laughing. It was cute.
Howie D. is greasy and scary.
This is the funniest thing of the whole show, and you can see some of it on TV. After the guys lost to Howie The Slimy Rat Bastard, they left and went backstage again. Well, right before Lenny Kravitz performed, FATone and Lance came back out to see it. I think maybe they threw a few back while they were backstage in the private party, because they were jamming to that song so much it's unbelieveable. I was laughing so hard I couldn't talk. At the end (you can see this on TV, watch the lower right hand corner of your screen as the camera pans the crowd) Lance JUMPS up and throws both hands in the air and stars screaming, then Joey realizes how dumb Lance looks (Keep in mind, Lance is the ONLY one in the place standning) So FATone jumps up to. The two of them are standing there clapping, screaming, etc. It's hilarious. Then they sit down and Lance does some gay thing with his feet. DORK.
Other than that, there was nothing good, it was just funny to watch them whispering to each other, laughing, and dancing to the music cause we never get to see THEM enjoy a concert, ya know?
Oh yeah, I also have to give Kim props for yelling "I LOVE YOU FAT - ONE" loud enough that Justy turned around, and she also yelled "JOOOOOOEY" and he turned around and waved. So, congrats Kim on your big mouth.. lol...
Dick Clark is more uptight and anal retentive than JC can EVER be.