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*NSYNC Dinner Cruise

While they were in Hawaii, our dear sweet boys decided to go on a dinner cruise. Fortunately, Stever video-taped their night out and was actually nice enough to let Nina and I see it, actually...

The evening was to be an exciting one on a dinner cruise. Dinner, of course, would be served. There would be a bar, dancing, live entertainment early in the evening, and a professional DJ for the rest of the night.

"Wasn't this a great idea?" Joey asked everyone.

"Fantastic," Lance answered. "We're really lucky you and Justin thought of it."

"Hey, what can ah say?" Justin said modestly.

"A dinner cruise...Joey's idea?" smirked Chris.

"Don't go knockin' Joey's idea," said JC, rubbing his nose. "I'm sure this is gonna be nice."

Chris looked at JC in disbelief. "Joey's idea...NICE? Dude, how much crack have you been smokin'?"

"Hey! I only smo-" mumbled JC. "Um, I mean, I'm not on crack. Yeah..."

However, the evening didn't go exactly as planned. The meal went smoothly at first, but as Joey was coming back from his fourth helping at the salad bar, he wasn't paying much attention to where he was going...and ran right into the waitress! Food went flying everywhere as Joey fell over, with the waitress falling on top of him.

"Well hey there, sweet thang," whispered Joey to the waitress. He flashed her a smile, revealing the pieces of lettuce and celery stuck in his teeth.

"Dude, get a room!" muttered JC, unaware of what happened. He made his way back to the table after getting some "fresh air."

"I'm really sorry!" Joey said apologetically, standing up. He helped the waitress to her feet. "Maybe we could have dinner know, to make it up to you," he said winking.

"Um, that's all right," she answered. "I'll get someone to clean this up." She gave Joey a frightened look, then quickly walked off.

"I really didn't see her!" Joey said again.

"That's okay," Lance reassured him. "You'd better get cleaned up, though. Club soda will take that stain right out."

"Will you come and help me?" Joey asked.

Lance rolled his eyes. "Alright, but we have to hurry back or we'll miss dessert."

"Ooohh, dessert!" clapped Joey. "Let's hurry then. Did you say you could get the stain out with club soda? Can I get one of those at the bar? Can I get it with a lemon slice? I love to eat those lemon slices."

After Lance got Joey all cleaned up, they returned to the table to find JC had dozed off and fell face down into his strawberry shortcake. Justin and Chris were having an argument over who was skankier, Britney or Christina.

"Dude, I dunno how you can defend someone who's more open than a seven eleven," demanded Chris.

"Yo, man, you be talkin' 'bout mah girl," retorted Justin. "You betta check yo-self befo'e ah borrow JC's whip an beat yo busted ass."

"Come on you guys, argue later," Lance said. "We're here to have a good time."

Justin opened his mouth to speak, but instead of words, out came the loudest, most disgusting burp anyone had ever heard!

"Wha...? Where am I? What happened?" JC shouted as he awakened with a start. "And why is there strawberry sauce all over my face?" The rest of the dining room seemed to fall silent, as people turned around in their chairs to see who was responsible for the repulsive sound. A little boy at a near by table applauded.

"Justin!" Lance exclaimed.

"Yo, ah didn't mean to!" Justin's face was as red as the rose in the center of the table. Joey, Chris, Lance and JC didn't dare look at each other, in fear they might burst into hysterics. Their evening was not going well at all.

Later, everyone watched and listened to the live entertainment, but Kathy Lee Gifford wasn't impressing anyone with her singing. "Dis be whack, yo. Come on dawg," Justin said as he prodded JC awake again.

"Huh?" yawned JC, opening his eyes.

"Let's go liven things up a lil, yo," replied Justin, tugging on JC's disco-print sweater.

"Whaddya need me for?" sniffled JC.

"Yo, ah need someone to play da piano while ah do mah thang," insisted Justin.

"But I gotta go take my meds..." protested JC.

"Come on fool," ordered Justin, dragging a whimpering JC up to the small platform and interrupting Kathy Lee mid-song.

"What are you doing?" Kathy Lee asked in disbelief.

"Dayum, stop torturing dese poor peeps. Chris's dog Busta sounds betta den you," Justin said as he snatched the microphone from Kathy Lee.

"Excuse me?" she snapped.

"Woman, you shouldda stayed wit Regis cuz you ain't gonna get nowhere howlin' like dat. Ah'm gonna show dis crowd some REAL entertainment, yo." And with that, Justin pushed Kathy Lee off the stage. She fell over backwards and knocked over the waitress just as she was bringing out another dessert cart.

"Not AGAIN!" whined the waitress, as she stomped back to the kitchen. "Damnit, I quit!"

Justin consulted with the musicians as JC sat down at the piano. "Yo peeps, whasup?" Justin addressed the audience. "Mah name's Justin Timbalake and dis here be JC Chasez. Right now ah'm gonna sing a song ah wrote called I'll Be Good For You. Hit it Jayce!"

JC began playing as Justin belted out the words. "I'll be gooood for yoooou..." sang Justin. When he reached the second verse, JC opened his mouth to sing, but Justin cut him off and sang it himself.

"Ghetto stage hog," muttered JC as he gave Justin a dirty look, but continued to play the piano. When they were through, the audience clapped and whistled.

"Whhhooooo!! I LOVE YOU JUSTIN!!!" Chris screamed at the top of his lungs. Joey tried to whistle, but his mouth was full of cake. Instead of a whistle, he spit out bits of cake crumbs and frosting.

"Ewwww!" said the waitress, who happened to walk by on her way out of the restaurant after putting in her resignation.

"Encore!" someone called out. Justin looked over at JC, who instantly began playing Jodeci's "Cry For You." This was followed by a rendition of NKOTB's "The Right Stuff" and Justin's beatbox.

During their performance, Chris noticed Lance stroll over to the bar and order something. He assumed it was a non-alcoholic beverage, since the mama's boy didn't drink, but boy was he wrong! It turned out that Lance had ordered a Hard Lemonade, and he obviously liked the drink because he ordered eleven more and a pina colada. The pina colada was one drink too many, and by the time Justin and JC's performance was over, Lance was trashed.

"Come on everyone! Let's PARTY!!" Lance shouted and began dancing around. At one point, he fell and started laughing uncontrollably.

"I'mm mmmmkay," Lance slurred. "Cuz I'mmm frommm Misss...isss....ipp...iii." Chris and Joey escorted Lance as he stumbled out the door, with JC and Justin not far behind. Out on deck, the guys spent the next few minutes trying their hardest to calm Lance down.

"LET'S LIMBO!!" Lance screamed. He had only started dancing for a few seconds, when he suddenly ran to the side of the boat and stuck his head over the railing.

"Gross," JC said.

Justin added, "Yeah, dat be disgusting, yo."

"Huh-huh!" Chris said in his Beavis and Butt-head imitation. "Cool!"

"Look!" pointed Joey. "He just threw up a pineapple slice! I didn't know they served fruit. Can we go back in and get some?"

The End.

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