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Giddy Up: The Video

You didn't REALLY think it was about horses.. Did you??
What would happen if there was a video for giddy up? I know and you know that it is NOT a song that just means "Get up and party"....

Justin, Chris, Lance, Joey & JC walk onto a set that sorta looks like the set in Nick's part in "I Do". Ya know.. the bedroom.

Justin: Where be da fine hunnies Ah be workin' wit? I don't write songs for nothin... Ah did write dis song ya know.

Director: We picked the perfect girls. Now remember. Before we bring them out, if they look under age, we understand... they are.

Lance: *Looks confused* Under age for what???

All the guys start cracking up. The Director shakes his head.

Director: Never mind. For those of you who know and care what I'm talking about... There will be none of THAT anyway... But we have our ways to make it look very realistic.

Lance: FOR WHAT?! Realistic?? Huh?? Joey, what's he talking about?

Joey: Uh...I'll show.. er... tell you later.

Director: *Clapping* Girls!

Nikki DeLoach, Britney Spears, someone the Director will only refer to as Bobbi, Christina Aguilera, and Mandy from Innosense walk through the door in skimpy little outfits. The guys mouths drop to the floor...except for Lance who is still trying to figure out what the director was talking about.

Director: I have paired everyone up with someone. Chris is with Bobbi-

JC: But-

Director: No buts. We have paired everyone up with a peer. Around same age and if we can't find that. We just threw some people together. Okay, Justin is with Mandy.

Lance: *Looks up* Hey, you're from Mississippi... Clinton, Mississippi! Amanda? From high school in Mississippi? I'm from Mississippi!!!!

Mandy: Hi James. Too bad we're not together.

She struts over to Justin sitting in a chair who had just put down a mirror. Cristina and Britney look like they want to kill the director...and Mandy.

Justin: Damn! I gets da Mississippi chick! I wants one of dem hunnies. *Points to Christina and Britney.

Mandy giggles and sits down in Justin's lap.

Director: Sorry Mr. changes.

Justin: What Justin wants Justin *SLAP* ow... dem Mississippi chicks sting.

Director: *Rolls his eyes and continues* Britney you're with Lance.

Britney: *Jumps up and down* Yay! Lance!... Who is that again?

Lance: Uhm... that's me. Ya know, I'm from Mississippi...

Britney: Really? Oh, wow. You're a cutie Pututie! Aw... Look at him. Tenny, isn't he cute?

Christina: Yeah whatever. But who do I get paired up with?

Director: Christina? You are with...Joey.

Christina: Joey?

Joey: Hey! I get one of Justin's bitches!

Christina: I'm not a bitch! I may be a slu... nevermind...

Director:*Rolls his eyes again* Okay, last is...Nikki with JC...

JC: *Looks up. He just finished singing the chorus to "I hate the drugs, but the drugs like me" by Marylin Manson* What? That was 5 years ago!

Nikki: Jace, we'll be okay. I've become more mature! *Giggling*

...for one day the pairs got to know each other a little better. Except for Britney who was spying on Justin and Mandy for 12 hours. Lance kept himself occupied. He held the rope since Britney disguised herself as a Pinata to spy.

They return to the set the next day. Justin has a bruise on his shoulder; Lance's hands are red; Britney has rope burns on her hands. JC and Nikki have "bruises" on their necks. Joey is his normal pimpin self; Christina looks likes a sad puppy. Chris came in screaming "Before 30! Before 30! Ahhhhh YEAH!!"; and Mandy and Bobbi were talking about their "Justin & Chris" theory.

Lance: *Picks up something* Hey! Joey look at these props! They gave us balloons look!

Joey: Uh.. Lance, that's not a balloon.

Lance: Then what is it?

Joey: Uh... Ask your mom. She'll kill me if I tell you.

Lance: Why?

Joey: JC! Help!!!

For the next two days Lance's "education" grows at a great rate, and they finish the video.

The footage was "lost" after MTV rejected the video. They said that it would clear up too many rumors and lose some of the viewers when they knew the truth. The video was said to be on a site called "The NSYNC Bitch Project" but no one knows for sure...

-Written by "GG" and Kayse

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