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Disloyalty At Its Worst

Everbody has somebody. I've been a Justin girl for, well as long as I can remember. But ya know, you often have those little disloyalty issues when another guy strikes you just right in a certain appearance. That is, until he does something stupid like dye, shave, or *coughcornrowcough* his head, wears retarded clothing, or says something to make himself look like an ass in front of an audience of millions, hence further shaming you in your boyband obsession, and then it's over. I'm having one such moment now...~ Tabz

See Jayce...

See me make fun of Jayce for this hairdo...

Sonic the fracken Hedgehog

See Jayce suddenly cause a grown woman to drool...

God bless Rolling Stone. The following 6 pics are on loan from them...



Praise to the video for 'Gone', when I noticed he had suddenly had a "hot attack"...

Following lil banner brought to you by *NSYNC KINGS OF OUR HEARTS NL

A man in water is my friend indeed. *sigh* Even this man. Yeah, I'll give that he rocked the wet beater in For The Girl.

I have no idea who the hell this next pic belongs to, but I bet she licks it with regularity. I know I would.

See Jayce causing a grown woman to wipe the drool from her chin as she remarks, "NOW I remember why I didn't like that idiot."

Look at the pants, cause I can't anymore...(in case you couldn't tell, this pic is courtesy of

Alas, my moment is over. But I'll always have this page. **sigh** And I'm right back to where I started. With a lil' Justin-luvin. And ya gotta luv this, so GOd Bless Nik for sendin it my way. I heart you J-Fro ugh Froless..

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