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"Huh?" - Tabz in this color

"Wha? Who? Chicka chicka..." DETROIT WHAT?! - Olivia in this color (cuz Tabz stole mine! lol)

Duuuuuuuh... ~ BexXx in this color

Ronald McDonald was NEVER sexy

Neither was JC's scary clown...

I think he looks like Elmo...I have this strange urge to tickle him...


"Look ma, no hands...see?" Idiot

Someone told him to do jumping jacks...he's cheating by sitting on that silver box!I'm on to you, Fatone!!!

This is where the whole 'weird shaped head' thing comes back into play. (see also JC)

Hey! JC's head isn't as oddly shaped as Joe's! *pouts*

Somehow, I feel Tabz is right...sometimes, JC looks like a pencil...Whereas Joey looks more like...a cuban cigar...

Nasty. This is so nasty. Ugh. Gross.

Yupper, I only had one Joey page. Joey is a big dumb goofy bastard and I dislike him. Brit has alot of Joey. That's gonna hafta do ya...

I have no comment. I know exactly why Tabby hates ain't pretty.

*Waves* G'night Folks!

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